16:30 |
A 16.1 |
Observation of a universal entropy behaviour for impurities in an ultracold bath — •Silvia Hiebel, Jens Nettersheim, Julian Feß, Sabrina Burgardt, Daniel Adam, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
A 16.2 |
Exploring p-Wave Feshbach Resonances in ultracold 6Li and 6Li-133Cs — •Manuel Gerken, Kilian Welz, Binh Tran, Eleonora Lippi, Stephan Häfner, Lauriane Chomaz, Bing Zhu, Eberhard Tiemann, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
A 16.3 |
Single-atom quantum otto motor driven by atomic collisions — •Jens Nettersheim, Sabrina Burgardt, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
A 16.4 |
Long-distance transport of ultracold gases in an optical dipole trap utilizing focus-tunable lenses — •Maximilian Kaiser, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Felix Lang, Benjamin Nagler, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
A 16.5 |
Exciton-polaron-polariton condensation — •Miguel Bastarrachea-Magnani, Aleksi Julku, Arturo Camacho-Guardian, and Georg Bruun
16:30 |
A 16.6 |
A quantum heat engine driven by atomic collisions — •Sabrina Burgardt, Quentin Bouton, Jens Nettersheim, Daniel Adam, Eric Lutz, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
A 16.7 |
Design of high-field coils for Feshbach resonances and rapid ramps in lithium-6 — •Felix Lang, Maximilian Kaiser, Sian Barbosa, Jennifer Koch, Benjamin Nagler, and Artur Widera
16:30 |
A 16.8 |
Towards Quantum Simulation of Light-Matter Interfaces with Strontium Atoms in Optical Lattices — •Jan Trautmann, Annie Jihyun Park, Valentin Klüsener, Dimitry Yankelev, Yilong Yang, Dimitrios Tsevas, Immanuel Bloch, and Sebastian Blatt
16:30 |
A 16.9 |
Quantum Gas Magnifier for sub-lattice-resolved imaging of 3D systems — •Luca Asteria, Henrik P. Zahn, Marcel N. Kosch, Klaus Sengstock, and Christof Weitenberg
16:30 |
A 16.10 |
Simulation of the Quantum Rabi Model in the Deep Strong-Coupling Regime with Ultracold Rubidium Atoms — •Stefanie Moll, Geram Hunanyan, Johannes Koch, Martin Leder, Enrique Rico, Enrique Solano, and Martin Weitz
16:30 |
A 16.11 |
A high-resolution Ion Microscope to Probe Quantum Gases — •Moritz Berngruber, Nicolas Zuber, Viraatt Anasuri, Yiquan Zou, Florian Meinert, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 16.12 |
All-optical production of K-39 BECs utilizing tunable interactions — •Alexander Herbst, Henning Albers, Sebastian Bode, Knut Stolzenberg, Ernst Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
16:30 |
A 16.13 |
Trapping Ion Coulomb Crystals in Optical Lattices — •Daniel Hönig, Fabian Thielemann, Joachim Welz, Wei Wu, Leon Karpa, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schätz
16:30 |
A 16.14 |
Quantum droplet phases in extended Bose-Hubbard models with cavity-mediated interactions — •Peter Karpov and Francesco Piazza
16:30 |
A 16.15 |
Density Fluctuations across the Superfluid-Supersolid Phase Transition in a Dipolar Quantum Gas — •Jan-Niklas Schmidt, Jens Hertkorn, Mingyang Guo, Kevin Ng, Sean Graham, Paul Uerlings, Tim Langen, Martin Zwierlein, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 16.16 |
Formation of spontaneous density-wave patterns in DC driven lattices — •Henrik Zahn, Vijay Singh, Luca Asteria, Marcel Kosch, Lukas Freystatzky, Klaus Sengstock, Ludwig Mathey, and Christof Weitenberg
16:30 |
A 16.17 |
Quantum gas microscopy of Kardar-Parisi-Zhang superdiffusion — •David Wei, Antonio Rubio-Abadal, Bingtian Ye, Francisco Machado, Jack Kemp, Kritsana Srakaew, Simon Hollerith, Jun Rui, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Norman Y. Yao, Immanuel Bloch, and Johannes Zeiher
16:30 |
A 16.18 |
Bosonic Continuum Theory of One-Dimensional Lattice Anyons — •Martin Bonkhoff, Kevin Jägering, Sebastian Eggert, Axel Pelster, Michael Thorwart, and Thore Posske
16:30 |
A 16.19 |
Dual-species BEC for atom interferometry in space — •Jonas Böhm, Baptist Piest, Maike D. Lachmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, Ernst M. Rasel, and the MAIUS Team
16:30 |
A 16.20 |
Feshbach resonances in a hybrid atom-ion system — •Wei Wu, Fabian Thielemann, Joachim Welz, Thomas Walker, Pascal Weckesser, Daniel Hönig, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schätz
16:30 |
A 16.21 |
A dipolar quantum gas microscope — •Paul Uerlings, Kevin Ng, Jens Hertkorn, Jan-Niklas Schmidt, Sean Graham, Mingyang Guo, Tim Langen, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 16.22 |
Imaging the interface of a qubit and its quantum-many-body environment — •Sidharth Rammohan, S.K. Tiwari, A. Mishra, A. Pendse, A.K. Chauhan, R. Nath, A. Eisfeld, and S. Wüster
16:30 |
A 16.23 |
dynamics of atoms within atoms — •Shiva kant Tiwari, F. Engel, M. Wagner, R. Schmidt, F. Meinert, and S. Wüster
16:30 |
A 16.24 |
Collisions of solitary waves in condensates beyond mean-field theory — •Aparna Sreedharan, S Choudhury, R Mukherjee, A Streltsov, and S Wüster
16:30 |
A 16.25 |
All-Optical Matter-Wave Lens for Atom Interferometry — •Henning Albers, Alexander Herbst, Ernst M. Rasel, Dennis Schlippert, and The Primus-Team
16:30 |
A 16.26 |
Quantum gas microscopy of Rydberg macrodimers — •Kritsana Srakaew, Simon Hollerith, David Wei, Daniel Adler, Antoni Rubio-Abadal, Andreas Kruckenhauser, Valentin Walther, Christian Gross, Immanuel Bloch, and Johannes Zeiher
16:30 |
A 16.27 |
Atomic MOT from a buffergas beam source — •Simon Hofsäss, Sid Wright, Sebastian Kray, Maximilian Doppelbauer, Eduardo Padilla, Boris Sartakov, Jesús Pérez Ríos, Gerard Meijer, and Stefan Truppe