16:30 |
A 2.1 |
Interorbital interactions in an SU(2)⊗SU(6)-symmetric Fermi-Fermi mixture — •Koen Sponselee, Benjamin Abeln, Marcel Diem, Nejira Pintul, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
16:30 |
A 2.2 |
Electronic structure of superheavy element ions from ab initio calculations — •Harry Ramanantoanina, Anastasia Borschevsky, Michael Block, and Mustapha Laatiaoui
16:30 |
A 2.3 |
Current status of the Al+ ion clock at PTB — •Fabian Dawel, Johannes Kramer, Steven A. King, Ludwig Krinner, Lennart Pelzer, Stephan Hannig, Kai Dietze, Nicolas Spethmann, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
A 2.4 |
Measurement of Magnetic Moments in Heavy, Highly Charged Ions With Laser-Microwave Double-Resonance Spectroscoypy — •Khwaish Anjum, Patrick Baus, Gerhard Birkl, Manasa Chambath, Kanika, Jeffrey Klimes, Wolfgang Quint, and Manuel Vogel
16:30 |
A 2.5 |
A New Experiment for the Measurements of the Nuclear Magnetic Moment of 3He2+ and the Ground-State Hyperfine Splitting of 3He+ — •Annabelle Kaiser, Antonia Schneider, Bastian Sikora, Andreas Mooser, Stefan Dickopf, Marius Müller, Alexander Rischka, Stefan Ulmer, Jochen Walz, Zoltan Harman, Christoph H. Keitel, and Klaus Blaum
16:30 |
A 2.6 |
Self-injection locked laser system for quantum logic and entanglement operations — •Ludwig Krinner, Lennart Pelzer, Kai Dietze, Nicolas Spethmann, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
A 2.7 |
Laser photodetachment spectroscopy in an MR-ToF device — •David Leimbach for the GANDALPH and MIRACLS collaborations
16:30 |
A 2.8 |
Current status of the transportable 87Sr lattice clock at PTB — •Tim Lücke, Ingo Noßke, Chetan Vishwakarma, Sofia Herbers, and Christian Lisdat
16:30 |
A 2.9 |
Interrogating the temporal coherence of EUV frequency combs with highly charged ions — •Chunhai Lyu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Christoph H. Keitel, and Zoltán Harman
16:30 |
A 2.10 |
Construction and tests of image-current detection systems for the transportable antiproton trap STEP. — •Fatma Abbass, Christian Will, Daniel Popper, Matthew Bohman, Markus Wiesinger, Markus Fleck, Jack Devlin, Stefan Erlewein, Julia Jaeger, Barbara Latacz, Peter Micke, Klaus Blaum, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Yasunori Yamazaki, Jochen Walz, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Smorra
16:30 |
A 2.11 |
High-Resolution Electron-Ion Collision Spectroscopy with Slow Cooled Pb78+ Ions in the CRYRING@ESR Storage Ring — •Sebastian Fuchs, Carsten Brandau, Esther Menz, Michael Lestinsky, Alexander Borovik Jr, Yanning Zhang, Zoran Andelkovic, Frank Herfurth, Christophor Kozhuharov, Claude Krantz, Uwe Spillmann, Markus Steck, Gleb Vorobyev, Dariusz Banaś, Michael Fogle, Stephan Fritzsche, Eva Lindroth, Xinwen Ma, Alfred Müller, Reinhold Schuch, Andrey Surzhykov, Martino Trassinelli, Thomas Stöhlker, Zoltan Harman, and Stefan Schippers
16:30 |
A 2.12 |
Towards direct optical excitation of the nuclear clock isomer 229mTh — •Johannes Thielking, Maksim V. Okhapkin, Jascha Zander, Johannes Tiedau, Gregor Zitzer, and Ekkehard Peik
16:30 |
A 2.13 |
High-Precision Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Hydrogen Ions in a Penning Trap at Alphatrap — •Charlotte M. König, Fabian Heisse, Jonathan Morgner, Tim Sailer, Bingsheng Tu, Klaus Blaum, and Sven Sturm
16:30 |
A 2.14 |
A cryogenic Penning trap system for sympathetic laser cooling of atomic ions and protons — •Julia-Aileen Coenders, Johannes Mielke, Teresa Meiners, Malte Niemann, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Ralf Lehnert, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
16:30 |
A 2.15 |
Towards high precision quantum logic spectroscopy of single molecular ions — •Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Fabian Wolf, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 |
A 2.16 |
Experimental and simulation progress of the Laser Resonance Chromatography technique — •EunKang Kim, Michael Block, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Harry Ramanantoanina, Elisabeth Rickert, Elisa Romero Romero, Philipp Sikora, and Jonas Schneider
16:30 |
A 2.17 |
Two-loop QED corrections to the bound-electron g-factor: M-term — •Bastian Sikora, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, Christoph H. Keitel, and Zoltán Harman
16:30 |
A 2.18 |
Theory of the Zeeman and hyperfine splitting of the 3He+ ion — •Bastian Sikora, Zoltán Harman, Natalia S. Oreshkina, Igor Valuev, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 |
A 2.19 |
Engineering Atom-Photon and Atom-Atom Interactions with Nano-photonics — •Artur Skljarow, Benyamin Shnirman, Harald Kübler, Hadiseh Alaeian, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 2.20 |
High-Resolution Microcalorimeter Measurement of X-Ray Transitions in He-like Uranium at CRYRING@ESR — •Felix Martin Kröger, Steffen Allgeier, Andreas Fleischmann, Marvin Friedrich, Alexandre Gumberidze, Marc Oliver Herdrich, Daniel Hengstler, Patricia Kuntz, Michael Lestinsky, Bastian Löher, Esther Babette Menz, Philip Pfäfflein, Uwe Spillmann, Günter Weber, Christian Enss, and Thomas Stöhlker
16:30 |
A 2.21 |
maXs100: A 64-pixel Metallic Magnetic Calorimeter Array for the Spectroscopy of Highly-Charged Heavy Ions — •S. Allgeier, M. Friedrich, A. Gumberidze, M.-O. Herdrich, D. Hengstler, F. M. Kröger, P. Kuntz, A. Fleischmann, M. Lestinsky, E. B. Menz, Ph. Pfäfflein, U. Spillmann, B. Zhu, G. Weber, Th. Stöhlker, and Ch. Enss