16:30 |
A 5.1 |
Competition of photon and electron emission in interatomic decay of heterogeneous noble gas clusters — •Lutz Marder, André Knie, Christian Ozga, Christina Zindel, Clemens Richter, Uwe Hergenhahn, Arno Ehresmann, and Andreas Hans
16:30 |
A 5.2 |
Atomic Physics in geographical systems — •Raquel Bustamante
16:30 |
A 5.3 |
Time-resolved dynamics in xenon clusters induced by intense XUV pulses — •M Sauppe, T Bischoff, C Bomme, C Bostedt, B Erk, T Feigl, L Flueckiger, T Gorkhover, K Kolatzki, B Langbehn, D Rompotis, B Senfftleben, R Treusch, A Ulmer, J Zimbalski, J Zimmermann, T Moeller, and D Rupp
16:30 |
A 5.4 |
A compact UV/VUV spectrometer with fixed VLS gratings for overview luminescence measurements — •Nils Kiefer, Andreas Hans, André Knie, and Arno Ehresmann
16:30 |
A 5.5 |
Quantum Coherent Diffractive Imaging — •Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, Christian Peltz, and Thomas Fennel
16:30 |
A 5.6 |
Investigation of virtual photon dissociation in van der Waals clusters by electron photon spectroscopy — •Carolin Honisch, Nils Kiefer, Dana Bloß, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Lutz Marder, Arno Ehresmann, and Andreas Hans
16:30 |
A 5.7 |
Analysis of x-ray single-shot diffractive imaging using the propagation multislice method — •Paul Tuemmler, Björn Kruse, Christian Peltz, and Thomas Fennel
16:30 |
A 5.8 |
X-ray induced dissociation dynamics of isoelectronic homo- and heteronuclear clusters — •Frederic Ussling and Co-authors of Community Beamtime Proposal No. 2176
16:30 |
A 5.9 |
Diffractive imaging of large neon clusters with a high harmonic generation source — •Leonie Werner, Bruno Langbehn, Alessandro Colombo, Ehsan Hassanpour Yesaghi, Andreas Hoffmann, Katharina Kolatzki, Martin Kretschmar, Tamás Nagy, Mario Sauppe, Bernd Schütte, Björn Senfftleben, Rudi Tschammer, Johannes Tuemmler, Marc Vrakking, Ingo Will, Thomas Möller, and Daniela Rupp
16:30 |
A 5.10 |
Angular resolved photoemission of metal atoms embedded in helium nanodroplets in the MPI regime — •Bennet Krebs, Michael Zabel, Lev Kazak, and Josef Tiggesbäumker