SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 8: Collisions, scattering, and correlation phenomena
Dienstag, 21. September 2021, 16:30–18:30, P
16:30 |
A 8.1 |
Near-adiabatic collisions of Xe54+ +Xe at the ESR Storage ring — •Siegbert Hagmann, Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand, Jan Glorius, Uwe Spillmann, Yuri Litvinov, Yuri Kozhedub, Ilya Tupitsyn, Michael Lestinsky, Alexander Gumberidze, Sergij Trotsenko, Markus Steck, Robert Grisenti, Niikos Petridis, Shahab Sanjari, Carsten Brandau, Ester Menz, Timo Morgenroth, and Thomas Stoehlker
16:30 |
A 8.2 |
Atom-molecule and molecule-molecule collisions in NaK quantum gases — •Philipp Gersema, Mara Meyer zum Alten Borgloh, Kai Konrad Voges, Torsten Hartmann, Leon Karpa, Alessandro Zenesini, and Silke Ospelkaus