SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 9: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses
Dienstag, 21. September 2021, 16:30–18:30, P
16:30 |
A 9.1 |
Modeling ultrashort laser pulses in nonlinear media using FDTD — •Jonas Apportin, Christian Peltz, Björn Kruse, Benjamin Liewehr, and Thomas Fennel
16:30 |
A 9.2 |
Ignition of a helium nanoplasma by pump-probe multiple ionization of a dopant core — •Cristian Medina, Dominik Schomas, Markus Debatin, Ltaif Ltaif, Robert Moshammer, Thomas Pfeifer, Hoque Ziaul, Andreas Hult, Maria Krikunova, Frank Stienkemeier, and Marcel Mudrich
16:30 |
A 9.3 |
HILITE - stored ions for non-linear laser-ion experiments — •Markus Kiffer, Stefan Ringleb, Nils Stallkamp, Belá Arndt, Sugam Kumar, Gerhard Paulus, Wolfgang Quint, Thomas Stöhlker, and Manuel Vogel
16:30 |
A 9.4 |
Strong-field ionization mechanisms of selectively prepared doubly excited states in helium — •Gergana D. Borisova, Hannes Lindenblatt, Severin Meister, Florian Trost, Patrizia Schoch, Veit Stooß, Markus Braune, Rolf Treusch, Harald Redlin, Nora Schirmel, Paul Birk, Maximilian Hartmann, Christian Ott, Robert Moshammer, and Thomas Pfeifer
16:30 |
A 9.5 |
Contributions of edge-currents on the high-order harmonic generation in topological insulators — •Christoph Jürß and Dieter Bauer
16:30 |
A 9.6 |
Imaging ultrafast laser-driven dynamics in thin foils via in-line holography — •Richard Altenkirch, Christian Peltz, Franziska Fennel, Stefan Lochbrunner, and Thomas Fennel