17:30 |
MO 9.1 |
LiK B1Π potential: combining short and long range data — •Sofia Botsi, Anbang Yang, Sambit B. Pal, Mark M. Lam, Sunil Kumar, Markus Debatin, and Kai Dieckmann
17:30 |
MO 9.2 |
New Lifetime Limit of the Ground State Vinylidene Anion H2CC− — •Felix Nuesslein, Klaus Blaum, Jürgen Göck, Manfred Grieser, Sebastian George, Robert von Hahn, Ábel Kálosi, Holger Kreckel, Damian Müll, Oldřich Novotný, Henrik Pedersen, Viviane Schmidt, and Andreas Wolf
17:30 |
MO 9.3 |
Towards the coherent control of Penning collisions between metastable helium atoms — •Alexandra Tsoukala, Lasse Bienkowski, Tobias Sixt, Nicolas Vanhaecke, Frank Stienkemeier, and Katrin Dulitz
17:30 |
MO 9.4 |
A direct comparison of buffer gas molecular beams of AlF, CaF and MgF — •Maximilian Doppelbauer, Sidney Wright, Xiangyue Liu, Simon Hofsäss, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Gerard Meijer, and Stefan Truppe
17:30 |
MO 9.5 |
Ozone formation through three-body collisions: Theory and experiment reconciled — •Marjan Mirahmadi, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Oleg Egorov, Vladimir Tyuterev, and Viatcheslav Kokoouline
17:30 |
MO 9.6 |
State-selective cross sections from Ring PolymerMolecular Dynamics — •Adrien Marjollet
17:30 |
MO 9.7 |
Quantitative detection of C2H2 in a dusty plasma environment using sensitive mid-IR frequency modulation spectroscopy — •Mithun Pal, Michael Stuhr, Nancy Faßheber, Andreas Petersen, Franko Greiner, and Gernot Friedrichs
17:30 |
MO 9.8 |
Core-level intermolecular Coulombic decay in pyrimidine enabled by aqueous enviroment — •Dana Bloß, Catmarna Küstner-Wetekam, Philipp Schmidt, Sascha Deinert, Florian Trinter, Gregor Hartmann, Arno Ehresmann, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, Nikolei V. Kryzhevoi, André Knie, and Andreas Hans
17:30 |
MO 9.9 |
Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Perylene Derivative Nanoparticles — •Chris Rehhagen, Shahnawaz Rafiq, Kyra N. Schwarz, Stefan Lochbrunner, and Gregory D. Scholes
17:30 |
MO 9.10 |
Predicting ortho-para transitions of water from first principles — •Guang Yang, Andrey Yachmenev, Sergei Yurchenko, Emil Zak, and Jochen Küpper
17:30 |
MO 9.11 |
Statistical analysis of correlations in the x-ray induced Coulomb explosion of iodopyridine — Benoît Richard, •Julia Schäfer, Zoltan Jurek, Robin Santra, and Ludger Inhester
17:30 |
MO 9.12 |
Spectral deep-learning for (ro-)vibrational calculations of weakly-bound molecules — •Jannik Eggers, Yahya Saleh, Vishnu Sanjay, Andrey Yachmenev, Armin Iske, and Jochen Küpper
17:30 |
MO 9.13 |
eCOMO - A new endstation for controlled molecule experiments — •Wuwei Jin, Sebastian Trippel, Hubertus Bromberger, Tobias Röhling, Karol Dlugolecki, and Jochen Küpper
17:30 |
MO 9.14 |
Method of Kinetic Energy Reconstruction from Ion-Time-of-Flight Spectra — •Aaron Ngai, Katrin Dulitz, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
17:30 |
MO 9.15 |
Coherent two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy — •Daniel Uhl, Ulrich Bangert, Lukas Bruder, and Frank Stienkemeier
17:30 |
MO 9.16 |
Driving Waveform Dependency of Energy Dissipation of Trapped Particles — •Martin Kernbach, Paul Oskar Sund, and Andreas W. Schell
17:30 |
MO 9.17 |
Interplay of periodic dynamics and noise: insights from a simple adaptive system — •Frederic Folz, Kurt Mehlhorn, and Giovanna Morigi