SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 4: Storage Rings
Freitag, 24. September 2021, 14:00–15:30, H2
14:00 |
MS 4.1 |
Reaction studies with internally cold molecular ions in a storage ring — •Oldřich Novotný
14:30 |
MS 4.2 |
Integration of the 4k-pixel molecule camera MOCCA into the Cryogenic Storage Ring CSR and a CSR-independent experimental setup — •Lisa Gamer, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Ansgar Lowack, Michael Rappaport, Dennis Schulz, Abhishek Shahi, Yoni Toker, Andreas Wolf, and Oldřich Novotný
14:45 |
MS 4.3 |
First isochronous mass spectrometry in an electrostatic storage ring — •Viviane C. Schmidt, Manfred Grieser, Klaus Blaum, Ábel Kálosi, Holger Kreckel, Damian Müll, Oldřich Novotný, Felix Nuesslein, and Andreas Wolf
15:00 |
MS 4.4 |
High resolution and fast Schottky spectroscopy of short-lived fragments in isochronous heavy ion storage rings — •Shahab Sanjari, Klaus Blaum, Dmytro Dmytriiev, David Freire Fernández, Yuri A. Litvinov, and Wolfram Korten
15:15 |
MS 4.5 |
Mass-spectrometry assisted measurement of the bound-state beta decay of 205Tl81+ ions — •Rui-Jiu Chen, Ragandeep Singh Sidhu, Yuri A Litvinov, and E121 collaboration