SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 7: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry I
Donnerstag, 23. September 2021, 10:45–12:30, H3
10:45 |
MS 7.1 |
The new compact, multi isotope AMS system (MILEA) at ETH Zurich - performance and applications — •Marcus Christl, Sascha Maxeiner, Arnold Müller, Philip Gautschi, Christof Vockenhuber, and Hans-Arno Synal
11:15 |
MS 7.2 |
Integration of the EA-IRMS system to the CologneAMS facility — •Martina Anna Gwozdz, Gereon Hackenberg, Stefan Heinze, Susan Herb, Timm-Florian Pabst, Markus Schiffer, Alexander Stolz, and Alfred Dewald
11:30 |
MS 7.3 |
Investigation of the beam trajectory and beam profile development in the 135∘ gas-filled magnet at the AMS device for medium mass isotopes at the Cologne University — •Susan Herb, Gereon Hackenberg, Markus Schiffer, Stefan Heinze, and Alfred Dewald
11:45 |
MS 7.4 |
Measurements of volatile radioactive isotopes in reactor graphite — •Timm-Florian Pabst, Gereon Hackenberg, Stefan Heinze, Susan Herb, Yannik Jacobi, Markus Schiffer, Alexander Stolz, Erik Strub, and Alfred Dewald
12:00 |
MS 7.5 |
Developments towards the detection of 135Cs and 137Cs by AMS — •Alexander Wieser, Johannes Lachner, Dorian Zok, Martin Martschini, Peter Steier, Alfred Priller, and Robin Golser
12:15 |
MS 7.6 |
First studies on 99Tc detection using Ion Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS) — •Johanna Pitters, Fadime Gülce, Karin Hain, Martin Martschini, and Robin Golser