SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 8: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry II
Donnerstag, 23. September 2021, 14:00–15:15, H3
14:00 |
MS 8.1 |
Status of the Project LISEL@DREAMS — •Oliver Forstner, Thomas Weber, Vadim Gadelshin, Kurt Stiebing, Dominik Studer, and Klaus Wendt
14:15 |
MS 8.2 |
A new radio frequency quadrupole ion cooler for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry — •Markus Schiffer, Oscar Marchhart, Susan Herb, Martin Martschini, Robin Golser, and Alfred Dewald
14:30 |
MS 8.3 |
Relative Formation Probabilities for Fluoride and Oxyfluoride Anions of U, Np, Pu and Am in Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Measurements at VERA — •Andreas Wiederin, Robin Golser, Karin Hain, Michael Kern, Aya Sakaguchi, and Peter Steier
14:45 |
MS 8.4 |
Increasing the ionization yield for the detection of 236U and 233U by AMS — •Michael Kern, Karin Hain, Peter Steier, Andreas Wiederin, and Robin Golser
15:00 |
MS 8.5 |
Low-level 166mHo measurements with AMS for the ECHo-project — •Georg Rugel, Sebastian Berndt, Christoph E. Düllmann, Holger Dorrer, Oliver Forstner, Tom Kieck, Nina Kneip, Johannes Lachner, Silke Merchel, Carlos Vivo-Vilches, Anton Wallner, and Klaus Wendt