16:30 |
Q 11.1 |
Does a disordered isolated Heisenberg spin system thermalize? — •Titus Franz, Adrien Signoles, Renato Ferracini Alves, Clément Hainaut, Sebastian Geier, Andre Salzinger, Annika Tebben, Shannon Whitlock, Gerhard Zürn, Martin Gärttner, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 11.2 |
How Quantum Evolution with Memory is Generated in a Time-Local Way — •Konstantin Nestmann, Valentin Bruch, and Maarten R. Wegewijs
16:30 |
Q 11.3 |
Tailored Optical Clock Transition in 40Ca+ — •Lennart Pelzer, Kai Dietze, Johannes Kramer, Fabian Dawel, Ludwig Krinner, Nicolas Spethman, Victor Martinez, Nati Aharon, Alex Retzker, Klemens Hammerer, and Piet Schmidt
16:30 |
Q 11.4 |
Experimental exploration of fragmented models and non-ergodicity in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains — •Clara Bachorz, Sebastian Scherg, Thomas Kohlert, Pablo Sala, Frank Pollmann, Bharath Hebbe Madhusudhana, Immanuel Bloch, and Monika Aidelsburger
16:30 |
Q 11.5 |
Quantifying necessary quantum resources for nonlocality — •Lucas Tendick, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß
16:30 |
Q 11.6 |
Floquet Hamiltonian Engineering of an Isolated Many-Body Spin System — •Sebastian Geier, Nithiwadee Thaicharoen, Clément Hainaut, Titus Franz, Andre Salzinger, Annika Tebben, David Grimshandl, Gerhard Zürn, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 11.7 |
Detecting Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Using Quantum Teleportation — •Sophie Egelhaaf, Harry Giles, and Paul Skrzypczyk
16:30 |
Q 11.8 |
Coupling Erbium Dopants to Silicon Nanophotonic Structures — Andreas Gritsch, Lorenz Weiss, •Johannes Früh, Stephan Rinner, Florian Burger, and Andreas Reiserer
16:30 |
Q 11.9 |
Site-specific Rydberg excitation in a multi-site quantum register of neutral atoms — •Tobias Schreiber, Dominik Schäffner, Jan Lautenschläger, Malte Schlosser, and Gerhard Birkl
16:30 |
Q 11.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
Q 11.11 |
Average waiting times for entanglement links in quantum networks — •Lisa Weinbrenner, Lina Vandré, and Otfried Gühne
16:30 |
Q 11.12 |
A perceptron quantum gate for quantum machine learning — •Patrick Huber, Erik Torrontegui, Johann Haber, Patrick Barthel, Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll, and Christof Wunderlich
16:30 |
Q 11.13 |
Spatial entanglement dynamics between two quantum walkers with symmetric and anti-symmetric coins — •Ibrahim Yahaya Muhammad, Tanapat Deesuwan, Sikarin Yoo-Kong, Suwat Tangwancharoen, and Monsit Tanasittikosol
16:30 |
Q 11.14 |
Vibrationally-decoupled cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap for scalable quantum computing and simulation — •Niklas Orlowski, Timko Dubielzig, Sebastian Halama, Chloe Allen-Ede, Niels Kurz, Celeste Torkzaban, and Christian Ospelkaus
16:30 |
Q 11.15 |
Retrieval of single photons from solid-state quantum transducers — •Tom Schmit, Luigi Giannelli, Anders S. Sørensen, and Giovanna Morigi
16:30 |
Q 11.16 |
On the Advantage of Sub-Poissonian Single Photon Sources in Quantum Communication — •Daniel Vajner, Timm Gao, and Tobias Heindel
16:30 |
Q 11.17 |
Multi-rail optical memory in warm Cs vapor — •Leon Meßner, Luisa Esguerra, Mustafa Gündoğan, and Janik Wolters
16:30 |
Q 11.18 |
Toward a Photon-Photon Quantum Gate Based on Cavity Rydberg EIT — Thomas Stolz, •Hendrik Hegels, Bianca Röhr, Maximilian Winter, Ya-Fen Hsiao, Stephan Dürr, and Gerhard Rempe
16:30 |
Q 11.19 |
Towards Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy of Single Europium Ions in Yttria Nanocrystals — Timon Eichhorn, •Sören Bieling, Christian Rentschler, Shuping Liu, Alban Ferrier, Philippe Goldner, and David Hunger
16:30 |
Q 11.20 |
Controlling single erbium dopants in a Fabry-Perot resonator — •Alexander Ulanowski, Benjamin Merkel, and Andreas Reiserer
16:30 |
Q 11.21 |
A multi-site quantum register of neutral atoms with single-site controllability — •Lars Pause, Tilman Preuschoff, Stephan Amann, Malte Schlosser, and Gerhard Birkl
16:30 |
Q 11.22 |
Ultra-stable open micro-cavity platform for closed cycle cryostats — •Michael Förg, Jonathan Noé, Manuel Nutz, Theodor Hänsch, and Thomas Hümmer
16:30 |
Q 11.23 |
Engineering of Vibrational dynamics in a two-dimensional array of trapped ions — •Deviprasath Palani, Philip Kiefer, Lennart Guth, Florian Haße, Robin Thomm, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
16:30 |
Q 11.24 |
Characteristic dynamics of the bosonic quantum east model — •Andreas Geißler and Juan Garrahan
16:30 |
Q 11.25 |
Optimized diamond inverted nanocones for enhanced color center to fiber coupling — •Cem Güney Torun, Philipp-Immanuel Schneider, Martin Hammerschmidt, Sven Burger, Tommaso Pregnolato, Joseph. H. D. Munns, and Tim Schröder
16:30 |
Q 11.26 |
Construction of a reliable laser light source for resonant excitation of tin-vacany centers — •Franziska M. Herrmann, Joseph H.D. Munns, and Tim Schröder
16:30 |
Q 11.27 |
Shorcuts to adiabaticity with quantum non-demolition measurements — •Raphael Menu and Giovanna Morigi