SAMOP 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
QI 12: Quantum Simulation and Many-Body Systems
Freitag, 24. September 2021, 10:45–12:45, H3
10:45 |
QI 12.1 |
Emergent Hilbert-space fragmentation in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains — •Monika Aidelsburger
11:15 |
QI 12.2 |
An entanglement-based perspective on quantum many-body systems — •Norbert Schuch
11:45 |
QI 12.3 |
Benchmarking an efficient approximate method for localized 1D Fermi-Hubbard systems on a quantum simulator — •Bharath Hebbe Madhusudhana, Sebastian Scherg, Thomas Kohlert, Immanuel Bloch, and Monika Aidelsburger
12:00 |
QI 12.4 |
Randomizing multi-product formulas for improved Hamiltonian simulation — •Paul K. Fährmann, Mark Steudtner, Richard Küng, Mária Kieferová, and Jens Eisert
12:15 |
QI 12.5 |
Distributed Multipartite Entanglement Generation in Coupled Cavities — •Marc Bostelmann, Frederik Lohof, and Christopher Gies
12:30 |
QI 12.6 |
From non-Hermitian linear response to dynamical correlations and fluctuation–dissipation relations in quantum many-body systems — •Kevin T. Geier and Philipp Hauke