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SYAM: Symposium Amorphous materials: structure, dynamics, properties
SYAM 1: Amorphous materials: structure, dynamics, properties
Dienstag, 28. September 2021, 13:30–16:15, Audimax 1
A wide variety of materials are not in a crystalline state but rather resemble a frozen liquid, in which constituent particles lack long range spatial order. This class of materials includes “hard” glassy metals and polymers, but also “soft” glasses such as suspensions, emulsions, foams, colloidal and granular assemblies. Although these systems differ widely in their length, time, and energy scales, many of their dynamical and rheological properties are universal owing to their disordered nature. These systems are endowed with a hierarchy of relaxation times that are key to understanding their response to external driving. While the yielding transition in the limit of slow athermal driving has hallmarks of critical behavior typical for a dynamical phase transition, new (thermal) effects come into play when glasses are operated closer to their glass transition temperature. This symposium invites experimental, theoretical, and computational explorations of all facets of glassy behavior in amorphous materials. This includes in particular approaches to characterize and predict the slowing down of the dynamics (vitrification) at the glass transition in the bulk and under confinement, the ensuing nonequilibrium relaxation dynamics in the glassy state, and studies of the structural, thermal and mechanical properties of such materials.
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13:30 | SYAM 1.1 | Hauptvortrag: Glassy dynamics of vitrimers — •Liesbeth Janssen |
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14:00 | SYAM 1.2 | Hauptvortrag: Liquid-Liquid Phase Transition in Thin Vapor-Deposited Glass Films — •Zahra Fakhraai |
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14:30 | SYAM 1.3 | Hauptvortrag: Connection between structural properties and atomic motion in ultraviscous metallic liquids close to the dynamical arrest — •Beatrice Ruta, Nico Neuber, Isabella Gallino, and Ralf Busch |
15:00 | 15 min. break | ||
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15:15 | SYAM 1.4 | Hauptvortrag: Signatures of the spatial extent of plastic events in the yielding transition in amorphous solids — •Celine Ruscher, Daniel Korchinski, and Joerg Rottler |
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15:45 | SYAM 1.5 | Hauptvortrag: Constitutive law for dense agitated granular flows: from theoretical description to rheology experiment — •Olfa D’Angelo and W. Till Kranz |