SMuK 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 6: Planets and small Objects
Donnerstag, 2. September 2021, 11:00–12:15, H8
11:00 |
EP 6.1 |
The CoPhyLab: How to Study Comets in the Laboratory — •Bastian Gundlach
11:30 |
EP 6.2 |
Atmospheric processes affecting methane on Mars — •John Lee Grenfell, Fabian Wunderlich, Miriam Sinnhuber, Konstantin Herbst, Ralph Lehmann, Markus Scheucher, Stefanie Gebauer, Gabriele Arnold, and Heike Rauer
11:45 |
EP 6.3 |
Magnetfeldmodellierung der Merkurmagnetosphäre mit dem KTH-Modell — •Kristin Pump und Daniel Heyner
12:00 |
EP 6.4 |
New dynamo models with a stably stratified layer as an explanation for Mercury's unique magnetic field — •Patrick Kolhey, Daniel Heyner, Johannes Wicht, and Karl-Heinz Glassmeier