SMuK 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 20: Fundamental Symmetries
Mittwoch, 1. September 2021, 16:30–18:45, H4
16:30 |
HK 20.1 |
Probing charged lepton flavor violation with the Mu2e experiment — •Stefan E. Müller, Anna Ferrari, Oliver Knodel, and Reuven Rachamin for the Mu2e collaboration
17:00 |
HK 20.2 |
Parity violating electron carbon scattering at the P2 experiment — Sebastian Baunack, Kathrin Imai, Rahima Krini, Frank Maas, Tobias Rimke, David Rodriguez Pineiro, and •Malte Wilfert for the P2 collaboration
17:30 |
HK 20.3 |
The search for electric dipole moments of charged particles on storage rings — •Vera Shmakova for the JEDI collaboration
18:00 |
HK 20.4 |
Frequency extraction of NMR signal to measure the magnetic field in the Fermilab Muon g−2 experiment — •Mohammad Ubaidullah Hassan Qureshi, René Reimann, and Martin Fertl for the Muon g-2 collaboration
18:15 |
HK 20.5 |
Tracking the magnetic field in the Fermilab Muon g–2 storage ring — •René Reimann, Mohammad Ubaidullah Hassan Qureshi, and Martin Fertl for the Muon g-2 collaboration
18:30 |
HK 20.6 |
Coalescence in MC generators and implications for cosmic ray studies — •Maximilian Horst, Laura Serksnyte, Luca Barioglio, and Laura Fabbietti