14:00 |
HK 30.1 |
Studying the Low-Energy Electric Dipole Response of Different Nuclei with SONIC@HORUS — •Michael Weinert, Florian Kluwig, Miriam Müscher, Julius Wilhelmy, Barbara Wasilewska, and Andreas Zilges
14:30 |
HK 30.2 |
Study of the dipole response in 58Ni — •Isabelle Brandherm, Johann Isaak, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Hiroaki Matsubara, Achim Richter, Marcus Scheck, Jaqueline Sinclair, and Atsushi Tamii
15:00 |
HK 30.3 |
Status report on the progress on the analysis of the NewSUBARU data — •Nikolina Lalić, Thomas Aumann, Takashi Ariizumi, Martin Baumann, Patrick van Beek, Ioana Gheorghe, Philipp Kuchenbrod, Heiko Scheit, Dmytro Symochko, and Hiroaki Utsunomiya
15:15 |
HK 30.4 |
Collinear laser spectroscopy across the 56Ni doubly magic nucleus — •Sommer Felix, König Kristian, Rossi Dominic, Everett Nathan, Garand David, de Groote Ruben, Incorvati Anthony, Imgram Phillip, Kalman Colton, Klose Andrew, Lantis Jeremy, Liu Yuan, Miller Andrew, Minamisono Kei, Nörtershäuser Wilfried, Pineda Skyy, Powel Robert, Renth Laura, Romero-Romero Elisa, Sumithrarachchi Chandana, and Teigelhöfer Andrea
15:30 |
HK 30.5 |
Mass measurements of neutron-deficient Yb isotopes and nuclear structure at the extreme proton-rich side of the N=82 shell — •Beck Sönke, Kootte Brian, and Dedes Irene for the TITAN collaboration
15:45 |
HK 30.6 |
Mass measurements and spectroscopy of actinides at IGISOL and FRS Ion Catcher — •Ilkka Pohjalainen for the FRS Ion Catcher collaboration
16:00 |
HK 30.7 |
High-precision mass spectrometry of heavy and superheavy nuclides at SHIPTRAP: overview of the latest experiments — •Francesca Giacoppo for the SHIPTRAP collaboration
16:15 |
HK 30.8 |
Subatomic particles represented as focal points — •Osvaldo Domann