14:00 |
P 17.1 |
Minimal invasive extraction and ex situ analysis of nanoparticles synthesized in a reactive plasma — •Maren Dworschak, Franko Greiner, and Oguz Han Asnaz
14:00 |
P 17.2 |
Structural properties of binary dusty plasmas — •Charlotte Büschel, Lasse Bruhn, and Dietmar Block
14:00 |
P 17.3 |
Fast 3D particle position reconstruction using a neural network — •Michael Himpel and André Melzer
14:00 |
P 17.4 |
Stereoscopic Meassurements of Dusty Plasmas under Microgravity — •Daniel Maier, Michael Himpel, Stefan Schütt, and André Melzer
14:00 |
P 17.5 |
Thermal gradient induced dust convections in a dc plasma under microgravity conditions — •Andreas Schmitz, Ivo Schulz, Michael Kretschmer, and Markus Thoma
14:00 |
P 17.6 |
"Zyflex": next generation plasma chamber for complex plasma research in space — •Christina A. Knapek, Uwe Konopka, Daniel P. Mohr, Peter Huber, Andrey M. Lipaev, and Hubertus M. Thomas
14:00 |
P 17.7 |
Influence of the surface roughness on the adhesion of thermal plasma spray Al2O3 coatings — •Tony Krüger, Thorben Kewitz, Holger Testrich, Rüdiger Foest, and Franz Faupel
14:00 |
P 17.8 |
Control and monitoring of spatial discharge distribution in a barrier corona discharge at elevated pressures — •Hamed Mahdikia, Michael Schmidt, Volker Brüser, and Ronny Brandenburg
14:00 |
P 17.9 |
Splitting of CO2 with negative nanosecond pulsed dielectric barrier discharge — •Sepideh Mousazadeh borghei, Raphael Rataj, Volker Brüser, and Juergen F Kolb
14:00 |
P 17.10 |
Plasma catalytic synergies of a non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma jet and MnO2 surface catalyst — •Christoph Stewig, Theresa Urbanietz, Laura Chauvet, Marc Böke, and Achim von Keudell
14:00 |
P 17.11 |
Diagnostic of temporal behavior of a plasma electrolytic polishing process — •Sehoon An, Luka Hansen, Thorben Kewitz, Gregor Gött, Sehyun Kwak, Maik Fröhlich, Rüdiger Foest, Katja Fricke, Antje Quade, Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, and Holger Kersten
14:00 |
P 17.12 |
Diagnostics for the JT-60SA pellet source commissioning — •Jan-Henrik Ufer, Peter Lang, Bernhard Plöckl, Martin Prechtl, and ASDEX Uprade Team
14:00 |
P 17.13 |
Towards the operation of a high-resolution mass spectrometer for exhaust gas analysis at ASDEX Upgrade — •Antonello Zito, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Volker Rohde, Athina Kappatou, and Marco Wischmeier
14:00 |
P 17.14 |
Determination of 2D Filament Temperatures and Densities at ASDEX Upgrade with the Thermal Helium Beam Diagnostic — •Daniel Wendler, Michael Griener, Gregor Birkenmeier, Rainer Fischer, Ralph Dux, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade team
14:00 |
P 17.15 |
Challenges in the tomographic reconstruction of radiation distributions of high temperature plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X stellarator — •Henning Thomsen, Christian Brandt, Sara Vaz Mendes, Kian Rahbarnbia, and Jonathan Schilling
14:00 |
P 17.16 |
Modelling of plasma ion heat flux in the edge of ASDEX Upgrade with EMC3-EIRENE for an improved understanding of the H-mode access — •Philipp Sauter, Thomas Eich, Dominik Brida, Marco Cavedon, Tilmann Lunt, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 17.17 |
Transport coefficients at W7-X based on target heat loads — •David Bold, Felix Reimold, Holger Niemann, Yu Gau, Marcin Jakubowski, and the W7-X team
14:00 |
P 17.18 |
Causality study on the drift-wave turbulence -- zonal-flow coupling at the TJ-K stellarator. — •Nicolas Dumérat, Bernhard Schmid, and Mirko Ramisch
14:00 |
P 17.19 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:00 |
P 17.20 |
Control of Spokes in Magnetron Discharges — •Mathews George, Wolfgang Breilmann, Julian Held, and Achim von Keudell
14:00 |
P 17.21 |
Updates on The He/Ne beam diagnostic for line ratio spectroscopy in the Island Divertor of Wendelstein 7-X — Erik Flom, Tullio Barbui, Oliver Schmitz, Marcin Jakubowski, Frederik Henke, Carsten Killer, Maciej Krychowiak, Ralf Koenig, Stuart Loch, Jorge Munoz-Burgos, John Schmitt, and •The W7-X Team
14:00 |
P 17.22 |
Three-dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Magnetic Measurements of Tearing Modes in ASDEX Upgrade — •Magdalena Bauer, Marc Maraschek, Hartmut Zohm, Wolfgang Suttrop, Anja Gude, Felix Klossek, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 17.23 |
Gaussian Process Surrogate Models for Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Turbulent Transport Simulations — •Yehor Yudin, Jalal Lakhlili, Onnie Luk, Udo von Toussaint, and David Coster
14:00 |
P 17.24 |
Extension of GENE-3D to a global electromagnetic turbulence code for stellarators — •Felix Wilms, Alejandro Bañón Navarro, Gabriele Merlo, Leonhard Leppin, Tobias Görler, Tilman Dannert, Florian Hindenlang, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 17.25 |
Study of slow wave propagation in IShTAR — •Felix Paulus, Volodymyr Bobkov, Roman Ochoukov, and Oleksii Girka
14:00 |
P 17.26 |
Divertor optimization for the stellarator experiment W7-X — •Amit Kharwandikar, Dirk Naujoks, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Felix Reimold, and The W7X Team
14:00 |
P 17.27 |
Manipulating the radial deposition of positrons in a magnetic dipole trap — •Stefan Nißl, Eve Stenson, Juliane Horn-Stanja, Uwe Hergenhahn, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Haruhiko Saitoh, Christoph Hugenschmidt, Markus Singer, Matthew Stoneking, and James Danielson
14:00 |
P 17.28 |
Investigating impurity transport at the plasma edge in different confinement regimes at ASDEX Upgrade via charge exchange recombination spectroscopy — •Tabea Gleiter, Ralph Dux, Marco Cavedon, Rachael McDermott, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 17.29 |
Early stages of He cluster formation in tungsten single crystals — •Annemarie Kärcher, Vassily V. Burwitz, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, and Wolfgang Jacob
14:00 |
P 17.30 |
Semilagrangian hybrid kinetic/driftkinetic code for the studying of fusion plasmas — •Aleksandr Mustonen, Felipe Nathan de Oliveira, Ken Hagiwara, Karen Pommois, Florian Allman-Rahn, Simon Lautenbach, Rainer Grauer, and Daniel Told
14:00 |
P 17.31 |
Steps for implementation of divertor protection algorithms at Wendelstein 7-X — •Manuel Agredano-Torres, Simon Fischer, Heike Laqua, Aleix Puig Sitjes, Hans-Stephan Bosch, Wolfgang Treutterer, Axel Winter, and Wendelstein 7-X Team
14:00 |
P 17.32 |
3D Monte-Carlo PIC modeling of plasma grid biasing and the co-extraction of electrons in negative ion sources — •Max Lindqvist, Dirk Wünderlich, Alessandro Mimo, Serhiy Mochalskyy, Adrien Revel, Tiberiu Minea, and Ursel Fantz
14:00 |
P 17.33 |
Gyrokinetic modelling of anisotropic energeticparticle driven instabilities in tokamak plasmas — •Brando Rettino, Alberto Bottino, Alessandro Biancalani, Thomas Hayward-Schneider, Philipp Lauber, and Markus Weiland
14:00 |
P 17.34 |
Non-local neoclassical PIC simulations for the radial electric field in stellarators — •Michal Kuczynski, Ralf Kleiber, and Hakan Smith
14:00 |
P 17.35 |
Analysis of optimal quasi-isodynamic stellarator magnetic equilibria using a direct construction approach — •Katia Camacho Mata, Gabriel Plunk, Per Helander, and Michael Drevlak
14:00 |
P 17.36 |
Orbit classification in Hamiltonian systems using surrogate models — •Katharina Rath, Christopher G. Albert, Bernd Bischl, and Udo von Toussaint
14:00 |
P 17.37 |
Simulations of massive Deuterium injection into an MHD active ASDEX Upgrade plasma — •Fabian Wieschollek, Matthias Hoelzl, Eric Nardon, the JOREK Team, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 17.38 |
Innovative Non-Resonant Divertors Applied to Compact Toroidal Hybrid (CTH) — •Kelly Garcia, Aaron Bader, Oliver Schmitz, John Schmitt, and Gregory Hartwell
14:00 |
P 17.39 |
Experimental Survey of Plasma-Terminating Events in the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator — •Jonathan Schilling, Henning Thomsen, Christian Brandt, Kian Rahbarnia, Ekkehard Pasch, Marc Beurskens, Sergey Bozhenkov, Hannes Damm, Golo Furchert, Evan Scott, Matthias Hirsch, Neha Chaudhary, Karsten Ewert, Udo Höfl, Johan Willem Oosterbeek, Torsten Stange, Gavin Weir, Jens Knauer, Tsuyoshi Akiyama, Kai Jacob Brunner, Tamara Andreeva, Ulrich Neuner, Oliver Ford, Sehyun Kwak, Andera Pavone, Jakob Svensson, Marco Zanini, and the W7-W Team 1
14:00 |
P 17.40 |
Single-shot grating-based phase-contrast imaging at a laser-driven x-ray backlighter source — •Bernhard Akstaller, Stephan Schreiner, Max Schuster, Andreas Wolf, Veronika Ludwig, Thilo Michel, Gisela Anton, and Stefan Funk
14:00 |
P 17.41 |
Comparison of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) results on deuterium loaded high Z materials from lasers of different pulse durations — •Steffen Mittelmann, Jannis Oelmann, Ding Wu, Gennady Sergienko, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Hongbin Ding, and Georg Pretzler
14:00 |
P 17.42 |
The uniform electron gas in the thermodynamic limit: fermionic path integral Monte Carlo simulations — •Alexey Filinov, Pavel Levashov, and MichaeI Bonitz
14:00 |
P 17.43 |
Optimized electron injection into a linear plasma wakefield by means of laser-solid interaction — •Vadim Khudiakov and Alexander Pukhov
14:00 |
P 17.44 |
Time-resolved simulations of laser-induced ionization in the tunneling regime — •Michael Stumpf and Georg Pretzler