14:00 |
P 5.1 |
Introduction of quasilinear transport models to the Integrated Data Analysis framework — •Michael Bergmann, Rainer Fischer, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 5.2 |
Dynamic structure factor of the magnetized one-component plasma — •Hanno Kählert
14:00 |
P 5.3 |
Ab Initio Plasmon Dispersion of the Warm Dense Electron Gas — •Paul Hamann, Tobias Dornheim, Jan Vorberger, Zhandos Moldabekov, and Michael Bonitz
14:00 |
P 5.4 |
Full-6D Kinetic Simulations of Magnetically Confined Plasmas — •Mario Räth, Klaus Hallatschek und Katharina Kormann
14:00 |
P 5.5 |
A research data management workflow for applied plasma science — •Markus M. Becker, Ihda Chaerony Siffa, Hans Höft, Fabian Hoppe, Detlef Loffhagen, Nick Plathe, Harald Sack, Volker Skwarek, Tabea Tietz, Simon Tschirner, and Laura Vilardell Scholten
14:00 |
P 5.6 |
Sheath diagnostic in a dual frequency CCRF discharge by optically trapped microparticles — •Jessica Schleitzer, Viktor Schneider und Holger Kersten
14:00 |
P 5.7 |
Ion flux measurements in an expanding H2 plasma utilizing a Mach probe — •Vinzenz Wolf, David Rauner, and Ursel Fantz
14:00 |
P 5.8 |
Nitrogen-doped NiCo2O4 on carbon paper as a self-supported air cathode for Rechargeable Zn-air batteries — •He Li, Jan Benedikt, and Sadegh Askari
14:00 |
P 5.9 |
ZrO2 based layers investigated by the 3ω method — •Vitali Bedarev, Philipp A. Maaß, Marina Prenzel, Marc Böke, and Achim von Keudell
14:00 |
P 5.10 |
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy as a novel plasma diagnostic — •Jente Wubs, Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, and Jean-Pierre van Helden
14:00 |
P 5.11 |
Quenching microwave plasmas via gas injection into the effluent: Effects on the conversion of CO2 — •Christian Karl Kiefer, Ante Hecimovic, Federico Antonio D’Isa, and Ursel Fantz
14:00 |
P 5.12 |
Electrical characteristics of a coaxial dielectric barrier discharge for CO2 splitting at elevated pressure — •Rezvan Hosseini Rad, Milko Schiorlin, Michael Schmidt, Volker Brüser, and Ronny Brandenburg
14:00 |
P 5.13 |
Cold Atmospheric Plasma Sterilization for Planetary Protection — •Alisa Schmidt, Meike Müller, Markus H. Thoma, and Hubertus Thomas
14:00 |
P 5.14 |
RF-atmospheric pressure plasma jets as a source of vacuum-UV photons for photoionisation — •Natascha Blosczyk, Tristan Winzer, Judith Golda, and Jan Benedikt
14:00 |
P 5.15 |
Self-similar expansion of a plasmoid supplied by pellet ablation — •Alistair Arnold, Pavel Aleynikov, and Per Helander
14:00 |
P 5.16 |
Linear MHD stability analysis of pedestals in magnetically perturbed tokamak equilibria — •Jonas Puchmayr, Mike Dunne, Erika Strumberger, and Hartmut Zohm
14:00 |
P 5.17 |
Challenges and expectations for the magnetic diagnostics during high-performance experiments at Wendelstein 7-X — •K Rahbarnia, S Vaz Mendes, J Schilling, H Thomsen, J Schmitt, M Khokhlov, T Bluhm, B B Carvalho, M Zilker, and Wendelstein 7-X Team
14:00 |
P 5.18 |
Characterization and driving mechanisms of dominant Alfvén eigenmodes at the W7-X Stellarator — •Sara Vaz Mendes, Kian Rahbarnia, Christoph Slaby, Thomsen Henning, Jonathan Schilling, Christian Brandt, Matthias Borchardt, Ralf Kleiber, and Axel Könies
14:00 |
P 5.19 |
Development of a model based early heating advanced scenario for ASDEX-Upgrade — •Raphael Schramm, Alexander Bock, Maximilian Reisner, Jörg Stober, Hartmut Zohm, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 5.20 |
Statistical analysis of confinement data from pellet fueled high-density plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade — •Tobias Engelhardt, Peter Lang, Martin Prechtl, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 5.21 |
Effects of thin surface oxide films on deuterium uptake in self-damaged tungsten - Evidence for permeation barrier effect — •Kristof Kremer, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, and Wolfgang Jacob
14:00 |
P 5.22 |
Comparing ion energy distributions of a symmetric capacitively coupled plasma with 1D-PIC/MCC simulations: an alternative approach to estimate γ coefficients? — •Christian Schulze, Zoltán Donkó, and Jan Benedikt
14:00 |
P 5.23 |
Optimisation and characterisation of an ion-beam-driven permeation experimental setup — •Philipp Sand, Armin Manhard, Rodrigo Arrendondo Parra, and Udo von Toussaint
14:00 |
P 5.24 |
Spectroscopic investigation of W7-X detachment induced via nitrogen seeding — •Frederik Henke, Maciej Krychowiak, Ralf König, Felix Reimold, Dorothea Gradic, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen
14:00 |
P 5.25 |
Determination of (quasi) coherent mode properties at the edge of improved confinement plasmas — •Joey Kalis, Gregor Birkenmeier, Michael Griener, Peter Manz, Takashi Nishizawa, Luiš Gil, and Ulrich Stroth
14:00 |
P 5.26 |
Characterization of lanthanum-hexaboride electron emitters as cathodes in pressure gauges for strong magnetic fields — •Bartholomaeus Jagielski, Uwe Wenzel, Mirko Marquardt, Jiawu Zhu, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen
14:00 |
P 5.27 |
Reduced transport models for a Tokamak flight simulator — •Marco Muraca, Emiliano Fable, Clemente Angioni, Hartmut Zohm, and Teobaldo Luda
14:00 |
P 5.28 |
Structure-property relations for thin drawn tungsten wires — •Maximilian Fuhr, Bailey Curzadd, Batuhan Sancak, Till Höschen, Martin Balden, Wolfgang Pantleon, Jürgen Almanstötter, Johann Riesch, and Rudolf Neu
14:00 |
P 5.29 |
Heat conduction simulation in plasmas with magnetic field lines of mixed topology — •Gregor Pechstein, Brendan Shanahan, and Per Helander
14:00 |
P 5.30 |
PIC-Simulations of Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks in Multiple-Ion GRB Plasmas — •Jonas Graw, Martin Weidl, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 5.31 |
Current Filamentation Instabilities of Proton Beams in Proton Driven Wakefield Accelerators — •Erwin Walter, Martin S. Weidl, John P. Farmer, Patric Muggli, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 5.32 |
Generalized Fluid Models for Edge Turbulence Simulations — •Christoph Pitzal, Andreas Stegmeir, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 5.33 |
TALIF on H2 Plasmas in Preparation of its Usage for Negative Ion Sources — •Frederik Merk, Christian Wimmer, Stefan Briefi, and Ursel Fantz
14:00 |
P 5.34 |
Performance of neutral pressure gauges using LaB6-emitters in deuterium plasmas — •Victoria Haak, Uwe Wenzel, and Gen Motojima
14:00 |
P 5.35 |
Generic Determination of Rotating and Locked MHD Mode Amplitudes on ASDEX Upgrade — •Felix Klossek, Marc Maraschek, Anja Gude, Hartmut Zohm, Louis Giannone, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 5.36 |
Fast characterization of plasma states in W7-X with permutation entropy — •Juan Fernando Guerrero Arnaiz, Andreas Dinklage, Bernd Pompe, Matthias Hirsch, Udo Höfel, Christian Brandt, Henning Thomsen, Jonathan Schilling, Kian Rahbarnia, Tamara Andreeva, Ulrich Neuner, and the W7-X Team
14:00 |
P 5.37 |
Tackling turbulence in the plasma edge pedestal with a revised version of the GENE code — •L. A. Leppin, P. Crandall, T. Görler, F. Jenko, M. Cavedon, M. G. Dunne, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 5.38 |
Collisional Relaxation of an Anisotropic Two-Species System as a Verification of a Simplified Fokker-Planck-Type Collision Operator — •Philipp Ulbl, Dominik Michels, and Frank Jenko
14:00 |
P 5.39 |
Disruption simulations in ASDEX Upgrade with JOREK-STARWALL — •Nina Schwarz, Matthias Hoelzl, Javier Artola, Gabriella Pautasso, and Mike Dunne
14:00 |
P 5.40 |
Transport Studies in ASDEX Upgrad via Gaspuff Modulation Experiments — •Christian Schuster, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Emiliano Fable, Rainer Fischer, Michael Griener, Clemente Angioni, Ulrich Stroth, and ASDEX Upgrade Team
14:00 |
P 5.41 |
Impurity parallel transport in ITER using improved collisional closure in the SOLPS-ITER code — •Sergei Makarov, D Coster, V Rozhansky, E Kaveeva, I Veselova, S Voskoboynikov, I Senichenkov, A Stepanenko, V Zhdanov, and X Bonnin
14:00 |
P 5.42 |
Positron accumulation in a multi-cell Penning-Malmberg trap — •Martin Singer, Patrick Steinbrunner, Stephan König, Matthew R. Stoneking, James R. Danielson, Lutz Schweikhard, and Thomas Sunn Pedersen
14:00 |
P 5.43 |
Modeling the beam emission Balmer-α spectrum in neutral beam heated plasmas at Wendelstein 7-X — •Sebastian Bannmann, Oliver Ford, Udo Höfel, Peter Poloskei, Jakob Svensson, Benedikt Geiger, and Robert Wolf
14:00 |
P 5.44 |
Proof of concept of a fast surrogate model of the VMEC code via neural networks in Wendelstein 7-X scenarios — •Andrea Merlo, Daniel Böckenhoff, Jonathan Schilling, Udo Höfel, Sehyun Kwak, Jakob Svensson, Andrea Pavone, Samuel Aaron Lazerson, Thomas Sunn Pedersen, and the W7-X Team
14:00 |
P 5.45 |
Modifications of the fusion reactor systems code PROCESS to general stellarators — •Jorrit Lion, Felix Warmer, and Robert C. Wolf
14:00 |
P 5.46 |
A novel MMC-like topology for ASDEX Upgrade Toroidal Field Coils Power Supply — •Antonio Magnanimo, Markus Teschke, and Gerd Griepentrog