SMuK 2021 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
UP 2: Clouds and Aerosols
Donnerstag, 2. September 2021, 14:00–16:10, H3
14:00 |
UP 2.1 |
BLUESKY - Atmospheric Composition Changes during the Corona Lockdown 2020 — •Christiane Voigt, Jos Leliefeld, Johannes Schneider, Daniel Sauer, Ralf Meerkötter, Silke Groß, Ulrich Schumann, Mira Pöhlker, Laura Tomsche, Mariano Mertens, and Hans Schlager
14:20 |
UP 2.2 |
Thermal imaging of freezing drizzle droplets: pressure release events as a source of secondary ice particles — Judith Kleinheins, Alexei Kiselev, Alice Keinert, Matthias Kind, and •Thomas Leisner
14:35 |
UP 2.3 |
Cracking the problem of atmospheric ice nucleation: chemically induced fracturing of alkali feldspar makes it a better ice-nucleating aerosol particle — •Tilia Gädeke, Alexei Kiselev, Alice Keinert, Thomas Leisner, Christoph Sutter, Elena Petrisheva, and Rainer Abart
14:50 |
UP 2.4 |
Nucleation and growth of atmospheric aerosol particles: Recent results from CLOUD at CERN — •Joachim Curtius
15:10 |
UP 2.5 |
A bird's eye view on the invisibile, unprecedented levels of ultrafine particles and the hydrological cycle — •Wolfgang Junkermann and Jorg Hacker
15:25 |
UP 2.6 |
Occurrence of Polar Stratospheric Clouds as derived from ground-based zenith DOAS observations — •Bianca Lauster, Steffen Dörner, Udo Frieß, Myojeong Gu, Janis Pukite, and Thomas Wagner
15:40 |
UP 2.7 |
Satellite observations of volcanic eruptions leading to smaller average stratospheric aerosol sizes — •Felix Wrana, Christian von Savigny, and Larry W. Thomason
15:55 |
UP 2.8 |
Estimating the impact of tropical volcanic eruptions on the thermal structure of the mesosphere by analyzing HALOE temperature data and UA-ICON simulations — •Sandra Wallis, Christoph Hoffmann, Hauke Schmidt, and Christian von Savigny