16:30 |
A 12.1 |
Controlling multipole moments of magnetic chip traps — •Tobias Liebmann and Reinhold Walser
16:30 |
A 12.2 |
Optical zerodur bench system for the BECCAL ISS quantum gas experiment — •Faruk Alexander Sellami, Jean Pierre Marburger, Esther del Pino Rosendo, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger, and THE BECCAL TEAM
16:30 |
A 12.3 |
Improved Laser System for Optical Trapping of Neutral Mercury — •Rudolf Homm, Tatjana Beynsberger, and Thomas Walther
16:30 |
A 12.4 |
Generation of time-averaged potentials using acusto-optical deflectors — •Vera Vollenkemper, Henning Albers, Sebastian Bode, Alexander Herbst, Knut Stolzenberg, Ernst M. Rasel, and Dennis Schlippert
16:30 |
A 12.5 |
A first two-dimensional magneto-optical trap for dysprosium — •Jianshun Gao, Christian Gölzhäuser, Karthik Chandrashekara, Joschka Schöner, Valentina Salazar Silva, Lennart Hooenen, Shuwei Jin, and Lauriane Chomaz
16:30 |
A 12.6 |
A modular optics approach for a new quantum simulation apparatus — •Vivienne Leidel, Malaika Göritz, Marlene Matzke, Tobias Hammel, Maximilian Kaiser, Philipp Preiss, Selim Jochim, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
A 12.7 |
Erbium-Lithium: Towards a new mixture experiment — •Florian Kiesel, Alexandre De Martino, and Christian Groß
16:30 |
A 12.8 |
Simulating atom dynamics in grating magneto-optical trap — •Aaditya Mishra, Hendrik Heine, Joseph Muchovo, Waldemar Herr, Christian Schubert, and Ernst M. Rasel
16:30 |
A 12.9 |
Point-spread-function engineering for 3D atom microscopy — •Tangi Legrand, Carrie Ann Weidner, Brian Bernard, Gautam Ramola, Richard Winkelmann, Dieter Meschede, and Andrea Alberti
16:30 |
A 12.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:30 |
A 12.11 |
A Compact Optical Lattice Quantum Simulator for Random Unitary Observables — •Naman Jain and Philipp Preiss
16:30 |
A 12.12 |
Towards hybrid quantum systems of ultracold Rydberg atoms, photonic and microwave circuits at 4 K — •Cedric Wind, Julia Gamper, Hannes Busche, and Sebastian Hofferberth
16:30 |
A 12.13 |
Autler-Townes spectroscopy of Rydberg ions in coherent motion — •Alexander Schulze-Makuch, Jonas Vogel, Marie Niederländer, Bastien Gely, Arezoo Mokhberi, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:30 |
A 12.14 |
Towards the formation of ultracold ion-pair-state molecules — •Martin Trautmann, Anna Selzer, Lukas Müller, Michael Peper, and Johannes Deiglmayr
16:30 |
A 12.15 |
Towards a photonic phase gate using stationary light polaritons — •Lorenz Luger, Annika Tebben, Eduard J. Braun, Titus Franz, Maximilian Müllenbach, André Salzinger, Sebastian Geier, Clement Hainaut, Gerhard Zürn, and Matthias Weidemüller