Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 22: Charged ions and their applications
Donnerstag, 17. März 2022, 10:30–12:30, A-H1
10:30 |
A 22.1 |
Optimizing large atomic structure calculations with machine learning — •Pavlo Bilous, Adriana Pálffy, and Florian Marquardt
11:00 |
A 22.2 |
First storage of highly charged ions in an ultralow-noise superconducting radio-frequency ion trap — •Christian Warnecke, Elwin A. Dijck, Malte Wehrheim, Julia Eff, Alvaro Garmendia, Andrea Graf, Ruben Henninger, Claudia Volk, Morten Will, Lakshmi Priya Kozhiparambil Sajith, Kostas Georgiou, Christopher Mayo, Thomas Pfeifer, and José Ramon Crespo López-Urrutria
11:15 |
A 22.3 |
Bound Electron g Factor Measurements of Highly Charged Tin — •Jonathan Morgner, Charlotte M. König, Tim Sailer, Fabian Heiße, Bingsheng Tu, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, Bastian Sikora, Zoltán Harman, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Christoph H. Keitel, Sven Sturm, and Klaus Blaum
11:30 |
A 22.4 |
From single-particle picture to many electron QED — •Romain Soguel and Andrey Volotka
11:45 |
A 22.5 |
Dynamics of a trapped ion in a quantum gas: Effects of particle statistics — •Lorenzo Oghittu, Melf Johannsen, Antonio Negretti, and Rene Gerritsma
12:00 |
A 22.6 |
Water-assisted electron capture exceeds photorecombination in biological conditions — •Axel Molle, Oleg Zatsarinny, Thomas Jagau, Alain Dubois, and Nicolas Sisourat
12:15 |
A 22.7 |
Parity-violation studies with partially stripped ions — •Jan Richter, Anna V. Maiorova, Anna V. Viatkina, Dmitry Budker, and Andrey Surzhykov