14:00 |
A 4.1 |
Following excited-state chemical shifts in molecular ultrafast x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy — •Dennis Mayer, Fabiano Lever, David Picconi, Jan Metje, Skirmantas Alisauskas, Francesca Calegari, Stefan Düsterer, Christopher Ehlert, Raimund Feiffel, Mario Niebuhr, Bastian Manschwetus, Marion Kuhlmann, Tomaso Mazza, Matthew S. Robinson, Richard J. Squibb, Andrea Trabattoni, Mans Wallner, Peter Saalfrank, Thomas J.A. Wolf, and Markus Gühr
14:15 |
A 4.2 |
How to produce nuclear-polarized hydrogen molecules and for what they can be used — •Ralf Engels
14:30 |
A 4.3 |
Correlation fingerprints in the x-ray induced Coulomb explosion of iodopyridine — •Benoît Richard, Julia Schäfer, Zoltan Jurek, Robin Santra, and Ludger Inhester
14:45 |
A 4.4 |
Universal Reconstruction of Nanoclusters from Wide-Angle X-Ray Diffraction Patterns with Physics-Informed Neural Networks — •Thomas Stielow and Stefan Scheel
15:00 |
A 4.5 |
Ultrafast Auger spectroscopy of 2-thiouracil — •F. Lever, D. Mayer, D. Picconi, J. Metje, S. Alisauskas, F. Calegari, S. Düsterer, C. Ehlert, R. Feifel, M. Niebuhr, B. Manschwetus, M. Kuhlmann, T. Mazza, M. S. Robinson, R. J. Squibb, A. Trabattoni, M. Wallner, P. Saalfrank, T. J. A. Wolf, and M. Gühr
15:15 |
A 4.6 |
Control of bionanoparticles with electrical fields — •Jannik Lübke, Lena Worbs, Armando Estillore, Amit Samanta, and Jochen Küpper
15:30 |
A 4.7 |
Tracing Inner-Shell-Ionization-Induced Dynamics of Water Molecules Using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser and Ab-Initio Simulations — •Ludger Inhester, Till Jahnke, Renaud Guillemin, and Maria Novella Piancastelli
15:45 |
A 4.8 |
Competition of interatomic Coulombic decay and autoionization in doubly excited helium nanodroplets — •Björn Bastian, Jakob D. Asmussen, Ltaief B. Ltaief, Akgash Sundaralingam, Catharina I. Vandekerckhove, and Marcel Mudrich
16:00 |
A 4.9 |
Simulating Molecular Diffraction Patterns using CMIdiffract — •Nidin Vadassery, Sebastian Trippel, and Jochen Küpper