16:30 |
MO 8.1 |
Two-color X-ray pump-probe experiments with halogenized hydrocarbons — •Alice Judt, Julius Schwarz, Fabiano Lever, Aljoscha Roerig, Karolin Baev, Dennis Mayer, Ivan Baev, Matz Nissen, Steffen Palutke, Markus Guehr, Markus Drescher, Marion Kuhlmann, Michael Meyer, Matthias Dreimann, Helmut Zacharias, and Michael Martins
16:30 |
MO 8.2 |
Strong field ionization of NO2 probed by femtosecond soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy at N K-edge — •Zhuang-Yan Zhang, Mar-Oliver Winghart, Peng Han, Carlo Kleine, Arnaud Rouzée, and Erik Nibbering
16:30 |
MO 8.3 |
Construction of a laser transfer line for the Cryogenic Storage Ring — •Annika Oetjens, Damian Müll, Aigars Znotins, Florian Grussie, and Holger Kreckel
16:30 |
MO 8.4 |
Laser-heated molecular deposition source — Fabiano Lever, Alanas Straeck, and •Lisa Mehner
16:30 |
MO 8.5 |
Signatures of non-adiabatic physics in the vibrational spectrum of Rydberg molecules — •Aileen Antje Theresia Durst and Matthew Travis Eiles
16:30 |
MO 8.6 |
Improved XUV magnetic bottle photoelectron spectrometer — •Kariman Elshimi, Fabian Bär, Philipp Elsässer, and Bernd v. Issendorff
16:30 |
MO 8.7 |
Novel sample delivery system for small nanoparticles and biomolecules — •Lena Worbs, Jannik Lübke, Armando Estillore, Amit Samanta, and Jochen Küpper
16:30 |
MO 8.8 |
Probing structural dynamics of molecules and clusters using XFEL pulses and synchrotron radiation — •Dimitris Koulentianos, Nidin Vadassery, Ludmila Schneider, Hubertus Bromberger, Sebastian Trippel, and Jochen Küpper
16:30 |
MO 8.9 |
Fluorine reactor study of Pyrdine: Formation of Pyridinyl radicals and C5H3N isomers — •Katharina Theil, Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, Jean-Christophe Loison, Christian Alcaraz, Laurent Nohan, and Ingo Fischer
16:30 |
MO 8.10 |
IR-Spectroscopy of Dysprosium-Chromium — •Sascha Schaller, Johannes Seifert, Nicole Walter, André Fielicke, Giacomo Valtolina, and Gerard Meijer
16:30 |
MO 8.11 |
Infrared Action Spectroscopy of Single Nanoparticles in the Gas Phase — •Sophia Leippe, Benjamin Hoffmann, and Knut R. Asmis
16:30 |
MO 8.12 |
Doppler-free spectroscopy of the A 2Σ+ ← X 2Π3/2 transition in nitric oxide — •Philipp Neufeld, Patrick Kaspar, Fabian Munkes, Lea Ebel, Yannick Schellander, Robert Löw, Tilman Pfau, and Harald Kübler
16:30 |
MO 8.13 |
LLWP - A new Loomis-Wood Software applied to the Example of Propanone-13C1 — •Luis Bonah, Oliver Zingsheim, Sven Thorwirth, Holger S. P. Müller, Frank Lewen, Jean-Claude Guillemin, and Stephan Schlemmer
16:30 |
MO 8.14 |
Chirped-pulse millimeter wave spectroscopy on complex molecules of astrophysical interest — •Bettina Heyne, Marius Hermanns, Nadine Wehres, Frank Lewen, and Stephan Schlemmer
16:30 |
MO 8.15 |
A status report on the Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS — •Holger Müller, Peter Schilke, and Stephan Schlemmer
16:30 |
MO 8.16 |
Merged-beams experiments on molecular ion-neutral reactions for astrochemistry — •Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand, Xavier Urbain, and Daniel Wolf Savin
16:30 |
MO 8.17 |
Towards the Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopic studies of C2− — •Sruthi Purushu melath, Christine Lochmann, Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, and Roland Wester
16:30 |
MO 8.18 |
Laboratory simulations of solar wind ion irradiation on the surface of Mercury — Caixia Bu, Benjamin C. Bostick, Steve N. Chillrud, Deborah L. Domingue, Denton S. Ebel, George E. Harlow, Rosemary M. Killen, •Daniel Schury, Kyle P. Bowen, Pierre-Michel Hillenbrand, Xavier Urbain, Ruitian Zhang, Dmitry Ivanov, and Daniel W. Savin
16:30 |
MO 8.19 |
Excited State Dynamics of the Q-Bands in Chlorophyll a — •Lena Bäuml, Sebastian Reiter, Eva Sextl, and Regina de Vivie-Riedle
16:30 |
MO 8.20 |
Ligand release from a molybdenum carbonyl complex via an organic photosensitizer — •Marcel Fischer, Kevin Artmann, Roger Jan Kutta, and Patrick Nuernberger
16:30 |
MO 8.21 |
Spectroscopic Studies of Carbonyl and Carbonylate Compounds in Liquid Ammonia — •Stephan Muth, Franz Schmidt, Nikolaus Korber, and Patrick Nuernberger
16:30 |
MO 8.22 |
Juxtaposition of the photolysis of diphenyldiselenide Ph2Se2 and diphenylselenide Ph2Se and the subsequent recombination dynamics of the transient radicals — •Daniel Grenda, Carina Allacher, Elias Harrer, Roger Jan Kutta, Alexander Breder, and Patrick Nuernberger
16:30 |
MO 8.23 |
Exploring the photophysics and chemistry of triarylamin with regard to the applicability in photocatalysis — •Josephine Babel, Patrick Nuernberger, and Roger Jan Kutta
16:30 |
MO 8.24 |
Luminescent and excited state properties of bimetallic coinage metal NHC-complexes — •Daniel Marhöfer, Pit Boden, Sophie Steiger, Christoph Kaub, Peter Roesky, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, and Markus Gerhards