Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 14: Precision Measurements and Metrology III
Dienstag, 15. März 2022, 10:30–12:15, Q-H11
10:30 |
Q 14.1 |
Atom interferometry in the presence of quadratic potentials — •Matthias Zimmermann
10:45 |
Q 14.2 |
3D Simulations of Guided BEC Interferometers — •Rui Li, Simon Kanthak, and Naceur Gaaloul
11:00 |
Q 14.3 |
Simulations of Integrated Laser-Guided Atom Interferometers — •Matthew Glaysher, Hannah Paltzer, Ernst Maria Rasel, and Naceur Gaaloul
11:15 |
Q 14.4 |
Analytic theory for Bloch-oscillation-based LMT atom interferometry — •Florian Fitzek, Jan-Niclas Siemss, Naceur Gaaloul, and Klemens Hammerer
11:30 |
Q 14.5 |
QUANTUS - Theory in the Ulm group — •Richard Lopp, Alexander Friedrich, Enno Giese, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS Team
11:45 |
Q 14.6 |
Probing Physics beyond the Standard Model with ultracold Mercury — Thorsten Groh, •Felix Affeld, Quentin Lavigne, and Simon Stellmer
12:00 |
Q 14.7 |
Analyse von thermischen Einzelionenwellenpaketen durch Flugzeitmessungen — •Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec, Luis Ortiz-Gutiérrez und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler