Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 17: Quantum Optics (Miscellaneous) III
Dienstag, 15. März 2022, 10:30–12:30, Q-H14
10:30 |
Q 17.1 |
Superradiant lasing in presence of atomic motion — •Simon B. Jäger, Haonan Liu, John Cooper, and Murray J. Holland
11:00 |
Q 17.2 |
Exploring precise loss characterization methods for LNOI waveguides — •Silia Babel, Laura Padberg, Marcello Massaro, Christof Eigner, and Christine Silberhorn
11:15 |
Q 17.3 |
Exploiting electro-optic modulators in LiNbO3 for quantum-optics applications — •Felix vom Bruch, Christof Eigner, Harald Herrmann, and Christine Silberhorn
11:30 |
Q 17.4 |
Superradiance in an ensemble of multilevel atoms — •Aleksei Konovalov and Giovanna Morigi
11:45 |
Q 17.5 |
Engineering the photon statistics by destructive and constructive two-photon interference — •Max Schemmer, Martin Cordier, Philipp Schneeweiss, Jürgen Volz, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
12:00 |
Q 17.6 |
Polarization-entangled photons from nanoscale nonlinear layers — •Vitaliy Sultanov, Tomás Santiago-Cruz, and Maria V. Chekhova
12:15 |
Q 17.7 |
A remedy to finite coupling master equations for open quantum systems — •Becker Tobias, Alexander Schnell, Juzar Thingna, and André Eckardt