16:30 |
Q 20.1 |
Dissipative time crystals in an atom-cavity system — •Phatthamon Kongkhambut, Hans Keßler, Jim Skulte, Ludwig Mathey, Jayson G. Cosme, and Andreas Hemmerich
16:30 |
Q 20.2 |
Far-from-equilibrium dynamics of the sine-Gordon model — •Philipp Heinen, Aleksandr Mikheev, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 20.3 |
Wilsonian Renormalization in the Symmetry-Broken Polar Phase of a Spin-1 Bose Gas — •Niklas Rasch, Aleksandr Mikheev, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
Q 20.4 |
Shell-shaped dual-component BEC mixtures — •Alexander Wolf, Patrick Boegel, Matthias Meister, Antun Balaž, Naceur Gaaloul, and Maxim Efremov
16:30 |
Q 20.5 |
A Digital Micromirror Device setup for the simulation of spatially curved spacetimes in a two-dimensional BEC — Marius Sparn, Celia Viermann, Maurus Hans, Nikolas Liebster, •Elinor Kath, Helmut Strobel, and Markus Oberthaler
16:30 |
Q 20.6 |
Level statistics of the one-dimensional ionic Hubbard model — •Luisa Tolle, Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, and Corinna Kollath
16:30 |
Q 20.7 |
Comparing Interacting and Non-Interacting Fermions in Topological Synthetic Ladder Systems — •Marcel Diem, Koen Sponselee, Benjamin Abeln, Nejira Pintul, Tobias Petersen, Klaus Sengstock, and Christoph Becker
16:30 |
Q 20.8 |
FermiQP: A Fermion Quantum Processor — •Janet Qesja, Maximilian Schattauer, Immanuel Bloch, Timon Hilker, and Philipp Preiss
16:30 |
Q 20.9 |
A high-resolution imaging system for quantum simulation experiments — •Micha Bunjes, Tobias Hammel, Maximilian Kaiser, Philipp Preiss, Selim Jochim, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:30 |
Q 20.10 |
Pairing in a Mesoscopic 2D Fermi Gas — •Keerthan Subramanian, Marvin Holten, Luca Bayha, Sandra Brandstetter, Carl Heintze, Philipp Lunt, Philipp Preiss, and Selim Jochim
16:30 |
Q 20.11 |
Mesoscopic Fermion Systems in Rotating Traps — •Johannes Reiter, Philipp Lunt, Paul Hill, Diana Körner, Philipp Preiss, and Selim Jochim