Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 45: Ultracold Atoms and Molecules I (joint session Q/A)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2022, 10:30–12:30, Q-H10
10:30 |
Q 45.1 |
Compact and Robust Laser System for Cold Atom Experiments in BECCAL on the ISS — •Tim Kroh, Victoria A. Henderson, Jean Pierre Marburger, Faruk Alexander Sellami, Esther del Pino Rosendo, André Wenzlawski, Matthias Dammasch, Ahmad Bawamia, Andreas Wicht, Patrick Windpassinger, Achim Peters, and THE BECCAL TEAM
10:45 |
Q 45.2 |
Rapid generation of all-optical 39K Bose-Einstein condensates — •Alexander Herbst, Henning Albers, Vera Vollenkemper, Knut Stolzenberg, Sebastian Bode, and Dennis Schlippert
11:00 |
Q 45.3 |
Optical dipole trap in microgravity - the PRIMUS-project — •Marian Woltmann, Christian Vogt, Sven Herrmann, and The PRIMUS-Team
11:15 |
Q 45.4 |
Optical bench system for the BECCAL ISS quantum gas experiment — •Jean Pierre Marburger, Faruk Alexander Sellami, Esther del Pino Rosendo, André Wenzlawski, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, Patrick Windpassinger, and THE BECCAL TEAM
11:30 |
Q 45.5 |
Few-Body Physics in Spherical Shell Traps — •C. Moritz Carmesin and Maxim A. Efremov
11:45 |
Q 45.6 |
A lattice model for traid anyons — •Sebastian Nagies, Botao Wang, Nathan Harshman, and André Eckardt
12:00 |
Q 45.7 |
Reservoir-engineered shortcuts to adiabaticity via quantum non-demolition measurements — •Raphael Menu, Josias Langbehn, Christiane Koch, and Giovanna Morigi
12:15 |
Q 45.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.