Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 54: Quantum Information (Quantum Repeater)
Donnerstag, 17. März 2022, 14:00–15:45, Q-H12
14:00 |
Q 54.1 |
Atom-Atom Entanglement over 33 km Telecom Fiber — •Pooja Malik, Tim van Leent, Matthias Bock, Florian Fertig, Robert Garthoff, Sebastian Eppelt, Yiru Zhou, Tobias Bauer, Wei Zhang, Christoph Becher, and Harald Weinfurter
14:15 |
Q 54.2 |
Coupling Erbium Dopants to Nanophotonic Silicon Structures — •Andreas Gritsch, Lorenz Weiss, Stephan Rinner, Johannes Früh, Florian Burger, and Andreas Reiserer
14:30 |
Q 54.3 |
A one-node quantum repeater — Stefan Langenfeld, Philip Thomas, •Olivier Morin, and Gerhard Rempe
14:45 |
Q 54.4 |
Larmor precession-free atom-photon entanglement using Raman scattering from a single 40Ca+ ion — •Matthias Kreis, Jelena Ritter, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner
15:00 |
Q 54.5 |
Coherent manipulation of RF-dressed qubit states in a single 40Ca+ ion — •Pascal Baumgart, Hubert Lam, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner
15:15 |
Q 54.6 |
Quantum teleportation based on a full 4-state atom-photon Bell measurement — •Elena Arenskötter, Omar Elshehy, Christian Haen, Floriane Brunel, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner
15:30 |
Q 54.7 |
Simultaneous single-photon extraction from two 40Ca+ ions in a single trap — •Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, and Jürgen Eschner