Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 58: Matter Wave Optics
Donnerstag, 17. März 2022, 16:30–18:30, P
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Q 58.1 |
Coulomb-induced loss of spatial coherence of femtosecond laser-triggered electrons from needle tips — •Jonas Heimerl, Stefan Meier, and Peter Hommelhoff
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Q 58.2 |
Using interferometers to measure molecular properties — •Philipp Rieser, Armin Shayeghi, and Markus Arndt
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Q 58.3 |
Towards diffracting atoms through graphene — •Jakob Bühler and Christian Brand
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Q 58.4 |
Femtosecond laser-triggered electron emission from cooled needle tips — •Manuel Knauft, Norbert Schönenberger, Stefan Meier, Jonas Heimerl, and Peter Hommelhoff
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Q 58.5 |
Creating auto-ponderomotive potentials with planar, chip-based electrodes for electron beam manipulation — •Franz Schmidt-Kaler, Michael Seidling, Robert Zimmermann, Nils Bode, and Peter Hommelhoff
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Q 58.6 |
The logarithmic phase singularity in the inverted harmonic oscillator — •Freyja Ullinger, Matthias Zimmermann, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
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Q 58.7 |
QUANTUS 2 - Towards dual species atom interferometry in microgravity — •Laura Pätzold, Merle Cornelius, Julia Pahl, Peter Stromberger, Waldemar Herr, Sven Herrmann, Markus Krutzik, Patrick Windpassinger, Christian Schubert, Ernst M. Rasel, and The QUANTUS Team
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Q 58.8 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
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Q 58.9 |
Ray Tracing for Matter Wave Optics — •Maurice Bardel and Reinhold Walser
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Q 58.10 |
Time-averaged potentials for optical matter-wave lensing — •Simon Kanthak, Gilad Kaplan, Martina Gebbe, Ekim Hanimeli, Matthias Gersemann, Mikhail Cheredinov, Sven Abend, Ernst M. Rasel, Markus Krutzik, and the QUANTUS team