Erlangen 2022 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 8: Quantum Gases (Bosons) II
Montag, 14. März 2022, 16:30–18:30, Q-H10
16:30 |
Q 8.1 |
Floquet-heating-induced non-equilibrium Bose condensation in a dissipative optical lattice — •Alexander Schnell, Ling-Na Wu, Artur Widera, and André Eckardt
16:45 |
Q 8.2 |
Driving a 1D Bose Gas into Non-Equilibrium by Particle Losses — Anja Seegebrecht and •Carsten Henkel
17:00 |
Q 8.3 |
Experimental realization of a 3D random hopping model — •Patrick Mischke, Carsten Lippe, Jana Bender, Tanita Klas, Thomas Niederprüm, and Herwig Ott
17:15 |
Q 8.4 |
Experimental characterization of a dissipative phase transition in a multi-mode system — •Marvin Röhrle, Jens Benary, Christian Baals, Erik Bernhart, Jian Jiang, and Herwig Ott
17:30 |
Q 8.5 |
High signal to noise imaging of potassium at high magnetic fields — •Maurus Hans, Celia Viermann, Marius Sparn, Nikolas Liebster, Helmut Strobel, and Markus K. Oberthaler
17:45 |
Q 8.6 |
Disorder in topological Floquet engineered systems. — •Christoph Braun, Raphaël Saint-Jalm, Alexander Hesse, Monika Aidelsburger, and Immanuel Bloch
18:00 |
Q 8.7 |
A Kapitza Pendulum for Ultracold Atoms — •Erik Bernhart, Jian Jiang, Marvin Röhrle, Jens Benary, Marvin Beck, Christian Baals, and Herwig Ott
18:15 |
Q 8.8 |
Quantum phases of a dipolar gas of bosons in an one-dimensional optical lattice — •Rebecca Kraus, Titas Chanda, Jakub Zakrzewski, and Giovanna Morigi