
Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme

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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik

EP 7: Astrophysics

EP 7.9: Talk

Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 18:15–18:30, EP-H1

Search for short time-scale transients from the Sculptor galaxy — •Annanay Jaitly — Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Astrophysical sources show variability in their emissions over a range of time-scales. For short time-scale transients like fast radio bursts, no very-high-energy gamma-ray counterparts have been detected so far and there is a general lack of tools suited to search for such phenomena. We developed and tested a plugin for the gammapy python package. It is is a tool capable of searching gamma-ray telescope data for transient phenomenon over arbitrary timescales. It scans the given field of view for clusters of events within user-defined time and angular separation intervals. To test the performance of said tool, we studied the Sculptor galaxy (NGC 253); it was chosen because Fermi-LAT previously reported a magnetar giant flare near this source. In this contribution we present the main features of the developed software, and our results from searching the Sculptor galaxy for short-timescale candidates using it.

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