GR 2: Classical Theory
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:00–18:40, GR-H2
16:00 |
GR 2.1 |
A covariant formulation of violations of the Equivalence Principle — •Ckaus Lämmerzahl
16:20 |
GR 2.2 |
A Collapsing Mass Shell with High Angular Momentum — Andreas King, •Markus King, and Jörg Frauendiener
16:40 |
GR 2.3 |
Energy Conditions in Reverse-Engineered Metrics — •Sebastian Schuster, Jessica Santiago, and Matt Visser
17:00 |
GR 2.4 |
Relativistic Geodesy: What do we know? — •Dennis Philipp
17:20 |
GR 2.5 |
On free fall of quantum matter — •Viacheslav Emelyanov
17:40 |
GR 2.6 |
Gravitational field recovery via inter-satellite redshift measurements — •Jan Hackstein, Eva Hackmann, Claus Lämmerzahl, and Dennis Philipp
18:00 |
GR 2.7 |
Probing gravitational parity violation with compact binaries — •Hector O. Silva and Jan Steinhoff
18:20 |
GR 2.8 |
Konzept eines satellitengestützten Tests des gravitomagnetischen Uhreneffektes — •Jan Scheumann, Dennis Philipp, Eva Hackmann, Sven Herrmann, Benny Rievers und Claus Lämmerzahl