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MP: Fachverband Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik
MP 12: Quantum field theory for particle physics and plasmas
MP 12.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 24. März 2022, 17:15–17:35, MP-H5
Quantum Backreaction in Laser-driven Plasma — Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Ananta Effendie, and •Victor Rogner — Universität Hamburg
High-intensity laser-matter interactions are of interest for both experimental and theoretical physicists alike. New and more intense lasers could introduce inconsistencies into the classical approach on which the theories of the interactions have been calculated.
In light of new approaches to the quantisation of laser-driven Plasma that do not rely on particle-in-cell codes that are commonly used to model events on the quantum-scale, field theories are constructed through means including various attributes (like multi-particle effects) from the out-set.
In this Talk we will try to enable a better understanding of quantum-field-theory under the constraints given by a uniform plasma. Central to our work, we follow a different Ansatz namely the path integral quantisation of a Bi-Scalar field, which will be constructed through the successive introduction of quantum properties to the classical theory of laser driven plasma.
Starting from the classical equations governing the behaviour of laser-driven Plasma, we will extrapolate equations from the path integral quantisation and in doing so, find linearised field equations for our scalar fields that dictate the dynamics of a monochormatic Laser propagating through a uniform plasma.
We will then compare with results from literature.