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PV: Plenarvorträge


PV III: Plenarvortrag

Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 09:45–10:30, Audimax

Particle theory in a data-driven era — •Michael Krämer — RWTH Aachen University

Theory has played a crucial role in developing the Standard Model (SM) and in formulating the questions that point to physics beyond the SM, such as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking or the particle nature of dark matter. In the first phase of the LHC many searches for physics beyond the SM have been driven by specific new physics models that would address some of the shortcomings of the SM. However, since no conclusive evidence for new physics has been established so far, more model-independent approaches such as effective field theories, or the search for anomalies by machine learning methods, are being pursued. I will try to clarify the role of theory for the discovery of physics beyond the SM in this data-driven era of LHC physics, and highlight the challenges and opportunities for the next decade.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2022 > Heidelberg