ST 2: Poster Session
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:15–17:30, P
16:15 |
ST 2.1 |
Characterization of a multi-arm Compton-camera setup — •Henning Geesmann, Giullio Lovatti, Tim Fitzpatrick, Jennifer Zhou, Mohammad Safari, Florian Schneider, Vassia Anagnostatou, Katia Parodi, and Peter G. Thirolf
16:15 |
ST 2.2 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
16:15 |
ST 2.3 |
Image registration of CT and MRI scans using deep learning — •Alexander Ratke, Hannah Timm, Johannes Wintz, Göksu Ünlü, and Bernhard Spaan
16:15 |
ST 2.4 |
Design and validation of a Digital Twin for tumor stage prediction of prostate cancer patients — •Anna-Katharina Nitschke, Carlos Andres Brandl, and Matthias Weidemüller