Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik
ST 4: Radiation monitoring and dosimetry I
ST 4.2: Talk
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 14:40–14:55, ST-H4
The performance of scintillating fibre based beam profile monitor for ion therapy in magnetic field — •Qian Yang, Liqing Qin, and Blake Leverington — Physikalisches Institut Universitaet Heidelberg
In the Heidelberg Ion-beam Therapy Center (HIT), proton, helium, carbon and oxygen ions are used for cancer therapy. The existing scanning technique, it is called Raster scanning. The beam is not switched off between spots but adjusted by the 2 dimensions fast deflection magnet. A tracking system is used to monitor the beam and feedback to adjust the scanning magnet currents online. The commercial MWPC (multiwire proportional chamber) currently used has several drawbacks. An MR magnetic is currently installed at the HIT facility for studying treatment with prompt MR imaging. The BMBF funded ARTEMIS project is focused on the establishment of a unique MR-guided ion-beam therapy prototype for clinical application. A scintillating fibre based detector is now studied as a possible monitor replacement for this system. The detector performance in the environment of MR magnetic fields is also be studied, to complement the ARTEMIS project at HIT. Recently, the performance of the detector was tested under the condition inside the Helmoltz coil by changing the magnetic field (from 0.1 mT ~ 99.9 mT) and it will also be tested inside the prompt MR imaging in the following days.