Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik
ST 6: Detectors and Applications I
ST 6.4: Talk
Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 11:45–12:00, ST-H4
Evaluation of HV-CMOS Sensors for a Beam Monitoring System for Ion Therapy — •Martin Pittermann1, Bernd Berger1, Alexander Dierlamm1, Ulrich Husemann1, Stefan Maier1, Pia Steck1, Alexander Bacher2, Matthias Balzer2, Jennifer Derschang2, Felix Ehrler2, Benjamin Leyrer2, Horacio Mateos2, Ivan Perić2, Rudolf Schimassek2, and Alena Weber2 — 1Institute of Experimental Particle Physics (ETP), Karlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT) — 2Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE), KIT
Ion therapy is an advanced tool for the treatment of cancer by means of irradiation. The characteristic Bragg peak of ionizing radiation creates a highly localized energy deposit. Additionally, very narrow beams (pencil beam) and raster scan techniques are used. This allows the dose distribution to conform to the tumor while minimizing damage to surrounding tissue. Fast and precise feedback of the beam parameters is required for closed-loop control of the beam optics.
We investigate the feasibility of using HV-CMOS pixels sensors to monitor the position, size and shape of such a medical ion beam in real-time. The high intensities encountered in a primary particle beam prohibit the use of traditional single-hit-readout sensors used in high energy particle physics. Instead, a dedicated counting pixel sensor is being developed at the IPE. The radiation hardness and high-rate capabilities of this sensor are tested at the therapeutic ion beam line. Further development steps towards a beam monitoring system replacing the current wire chambers are also discussed.