Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 11: Gaseous Detectors
T 11.7: Talk
Monday, March 21, 2022, 17:45–18:00, T-H24
The Influence of Oxygen Defects at Measurements with a MicroMegas Detector Filled with an Ar-CO2 Gas Mixture — •Burkhard Böhm1, Deb Sankar Bhattacharya1,2, Thorben Swirski1, and Raimund Ströhmer1 — 1Universität Würzburg — 2INFN Trieste
In particle physics, Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) find high usage in different experiments like ATLAS, CMS or ALICE. In this study MicroMegas (MM) - a special type of MPGDs - are researched in terms of O2 contamination. They are well known for their simple single-stage amplification, high and stable gain and excellent spatial and temporal resolutions. These detectors can be contaminated by O2 from the air and due to the electronegativity of O2, electrons in the gaseous detector can be captured. Hence, even a low concentration of O2 has an impact on the detector performance. By precisely controlled inflowing of O2 inside a resistive MicroMegas chamber, the effect on the gas-gain,mainly due to attachment in the drift region, and the amplification of the number of primary electrons are studied. In parallel to the experimental study numerical investigations were done to estimate the amplification gap from the comparison of the simulated to the measured signal.