T 12: Pixel Detectors
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H25
16:15 |
T 12.1 |
ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Quad Module Building and Testing for the HL-LHC Upgrade — Jörn Große-Knetter, Arnulf Quadt, •Yusong Tian, and Hua Ye
16:30 |
T 12.2 |
ITk-pixel outer barrel demonstrator — Jörn Große-Knetter, Susanne Kühn, •Silke Möbius, Arnulf Quadt, Benedikt Vormwald, and Hua Ye
16:45 |
T 12.3 |
Testing of loaded local supports of the ATLAS Inner Tracker — •Wael Alkakhi, Joern Grosse-knetter, and Arnulf Quadt
17:00 |
T 12.4 |
ATLAS ITKPix Waferprobing — •Mark Standke, Yannick Dieter, Tomasz Hemperek, Florian Hinterkeuser, Fabian Hügging, Hans Krüger, David-Leon Pohl, Marco Vogt, and Jochen Dingfelder
17:15 |
T 12.5 |
Bump bond stress tests with ITk-Pixel-style daisy-chain modules through thermal cycling — Jörn Große-Knetter, •Steffen Korn, and Arnulf Quadt
17:30 |
T 12.6 |
Pixel front-end masking and DQ monitoring — Marcello Bindi, Jörn Große-Knetter, •Andreas Kirchhoff, and Arnulf Quadt
17:45 |
T 12.7 |
Data quality monitoring for the ATLAS pixel detector using large radius tracks — Carmen Diez Pardos, Ivor Fleck, •Jan Joachim Hahn, and Iskander Ibragimov
18:00 |
T 12.8 |
Measurement of position resolution of small pixel sensors — •Amala Augusthy, Daniel Pitzl, Erika Garutti, and Jörn Schwandt
18:15 |
T 12.9 |
Characterisation of planar pixel sensor for the CMS phase-2 upgrade — •Mohammadtaghi Hajheidari, Massimiliano Antonello, Finn Feindt, Erika Garutti, Daniel Pitzl, Jörn Schwandt, Georg Steinbrück, Annika Vauth, and Irene Zoi