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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 13: Semiconductor Detectors:Radiation Hardness, new Materials and Concepts
T 13.5: Vortrag
Montag, 21. März 2022, 17:15–17:30, T-H26
Full-size passive CMOS sensors for radiation tolerant hybrid pixel detectors — •Yannick Dieter1, Michael Daas1, Tomasz Hemperek1, Fabian Hügging1, Hans Krüger1, David-Leon Pohl1, Tianyang Wang2, Norbert Wermes1, Pascal Wolf1, and Jochen Dingfelder1 — 1Physikalisches Institut der Universität Bonn — 2Zhangjiang Laboratory, China
CMOS process lines are an attractive option for the fabrication of hybrid pixel sensors for large-scale detectors like ATLAS and CMS. Besides the cost-effectiveness and high throughput of commercial CMOS lines, multiple features like poly-silicon layers, metal-insulator-metal capacitors and several metal layers are available to enhance the sensor design.
After an extensive R&D programme with several prototype sensors in 150 nm LFoundry technology, passive CMOS pixel sensors have been manufactured for the first time as full-size sensors compatible with the RD53 readout chips designed for the ATLAS and CMS tracker upgrades.
This presentation will focus on IV-curve and hit-detection efficiency measurements and the characterization of the full-size sensors, before and after irradiation to fluences of 2× 1015 neq/cm2 and 5× 1015 neq/cm2, using a minimum ionising electron beam.