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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 14: DAQ and Trigger 1
T 14.3: Talk
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:45–17:00, T-H27
Upgrade of a cosmic muon teststand for the CMS DT-Project — •Dmitry Eliseev, Thomas Hebbeker, Markus Merschmeyer, and Matej Repik — Physics Institute III A, RWTH Aachen University
The Drift Tube (DT) system is one of the muon detectors of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS). The DT system is now upgraded to provide the increased luminosity for CMS Phase II. The upgrade pertains mainly the on-chamber digital readout and the subsequent data chain, which are completely replaced to enable higher acquisition rates and better trigger flexibility. The especially important component of the data chain is the electronics for digital readout of the muon hit data. This is the newly designed On-Board Drift Tube (OBDT) electronics, located directly at the DT chambers. This electronics enables higher data acquisition rates and is radiation tolerant. After production, the OBDT electronics will require numerous verification tests. One of the verification sites will be RWTH Aachen University with its cosmic muon teststand, originally developed during CMS construction. The core part of the muon teststand is a fully functional DT chamber, which is similar to the DT chambers at CMS. For the upcoming verification tests the teststand has undergone a comprehensive upgrade. The upgrade included the complete replacement of the data system as well as the redesign and upgrade of other systems: high- and low- voltage power-supply, gas mixing system. The teststand enables in-situ tests of the newly produced OBDT electronics as well as the verification of the data integrity of the muon-data along the readout chain.