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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 14: DAQ and Trigger 1
T 14.8: Vortrag
Montag, 21. März 2022, 18:00–18:15, T-H27
The First Layer of the Mu3e Data Acquisition System — •Martin Müller for the Mu3e collaboration — Institute for Nuclear Physics, JGU Mainz
The Mu3e experiment will search for the charged lepton flavor violating decay of a positive Muon into two positrons and one electron. The branching ratio of this decay in the Standard Model is predicted to be in the order of 10−54 and therefore any observation of such a decay would be a clear sign for new physics. Observing up to 108 muon decays per second, the phase I Mu3e detector will produce 100 GB/s of data from monolithic pixel chips, scintillating fibres and scintillating tiles.
The trigger-less data acquisition for the detector consists of multiple layers. Layer 1 is located inside of the Mu3e magnet and is directly connected to the detector readout ASICs with 1.25 Gbit data links. It is built from 112 Frontend-Boards which include two field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). These FPGAs are responsible for all communication with the different detector ASICs, including data readout, decoding, sorting, synchronisation and also the configuration of the detectors. The talk will discuss the firmware developed for the FPGAs in Layer 1 of the Mu3e DAQ and the interfaces to the other DAQ layers.