16:15 |
T 20.1 |
JUNO physics potential and status — •Alexandre Göttel for the JUNO collaboration
16:35 |
T 20.2 |
Studies on the sensitivity for the Neutrino Mass Ordering Measurement of JUNO — •Nikhil Mohan, Alexandre Goettel, Philipp Kampmann, Runxuan Liu, Livia Ludhova, Luca Pelicci, Mariam Rifai, Apeksha Singhal, and Cornelius Vollbrecht
16:50 |
T 20.3 |
Analysis of possible implications by the finestructure in the reactor neutrino spectrum on the JUNO NMO sensitivity — •Tobias Heinz, Lukas Bieger, David Blum, Marc Breisch, Srijan Delampady, Jessica Eck, Gina Grünauer, Benedict Kaiser, Frieder Kohler, Tobias Lachenmaier, Axel Müller, Tobias Sterr, Alexander Tietzsch, and Jan Züfle
17:05 |
T 20.4 |
The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory — •Hans Theodor Josef Steiger
17:25 |
T 20.5 |
Event reconstruction for the neutrino mass ordering measurement of JUNO — •Mariam Rifai, Livia Ludhova, Philipp Kampmann, Luca Pelicci, Apeksha Singhal, Alexandre Goettel, Cornilius Vollbrecht, Runxuan Liu, and Nikhil Mohan
17:40 |
T 20.6 |
Machine learning based reconstruction of atmospheric neutrino events in JUNO — •Rosmarie Wirth
17:55 |
T 20.7 |
Event Reconstruction in JUNO-TAO using Deep Learing — •Vidhya Thara Hariharan
18:10 |
T 20.8 |
Search for the DSNB in JUNO: Development of new Methods for Background Event Identification — •Matthias Mayer, Lothar Oberauer, Raphael Stock, Hans Steiger, Konstantin Schweizer, Ulrike Fahrendholz, David Dörflinger, Sebastian Zwickel, Simon Appel, Carsten Dittrich, Vincent Rompel, Luca Schweizer, Korbinian Stangler, and Simon Csakli for the JUNO collaboration
18:25 |
T 20.9 |
Indirect dark matter search with neutrinos in JUNO and THEIA — Lukas Bieger, •David Blum, Marc Breisch, Srijan Delampady, Jessica Eck, Gina Grünauer, Tobias Heinz, Benedict Kaiser, Frieder Kohler, Tobias Lachenmaier, Axel Müller, Tobias Sterr, Alexander Tietzsch, and Jan Züfle