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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 21: Neutrino Physics without Accelerators 2
T 21.10: Vortrag
Montag, 21. März 2022, 18:35–18:50, T-H34
Solar neutrinos with JUNO: analysis strategy and sensitivity studies for Be7, pep and CNO neutrinos — •Luca Pelicci1,2, Alexandre Göttel1,2, Philipp Kampmann3, Runxuan Liu1,2, Livia Ludhova1,2, Nikhil Mohan2,3, Mariam Rifai1,2, and Apeksha Singhal1,2 — 1Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Nuclear Physics Institute IKP-2, Jülich, Germany — 2III. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany — 3GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Reseach, Darmstadt, Germany
The JUNO observatory, currently under construction in Jiangmen (China), is a 20 kt liquid scintillator detector. Thanks to high statistics and excellent energy resolution of 3% at 1 MeV, it represents a great opportunity for the detection of solar neutrinos. The purpose of this talk is to describe the driving factors of the sensitivity studies for intermediate energy solar neutrinos: Be7, pep, and CNO neutrinos. The success of the analysis relies on a good understanding of the detector. For this reason, a complete simulation of the expected signal and background components have been carried out, accounting for all the possible sources of backgrounds with different level of contaminants, and including thoroughly the electronic response of the detector. Finally, the software framework developed to perform the sensitivity studies as well as the final results will be presented, showing that JUNO has the potential to substantially improve the existing results on intermediate energy neutrinos.