Heidelberg 2022 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 21: Neutrino Physics without Accelerators 2
T 21.5: Talk
Monday, March 21, 2022, 17:20–17:35, T-H34
Electron tracking simulations for the active transverse energy filter at KATRIN — •Richard Salomon, Kevin Gauda, Sonja Schneidewind, Volker Hannen, Alexey Lokhov, Hans-Werner Ortjohann, and Christian Weinheimer for the KATRIN collaboration — Institut für Kernphysik, Wilhelm-Klemm-Straße 9, 48149 Münster, Germany
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment (KATRIN) aims at determining the electron neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 from a precision measurement of the tritium β-decay spectrum. To reach the desired sensitivity it is crucial to minimize experimental background events especially in the endpoint region of the electron spectrum.
One of the dominant backgrounds identified is the ionization of highly-excited (Rydberg) atoms inside the main spectrometer. To mitigate this background source, the concept of an active transverse energy filter (aTEF) is being investigated. As the electrons emitted by ionized Rydberg atoms, in contrast to most signal electrons from tritium beta decay, possess only a small amount of energy perpendicular to the guiding magnetic field, an angular-selective detector might be able to distinguish between the two. In order to test this novel detection technique, prototypes consisting of microstructured Si-PIN diodes are currently investigated in a test setup in Münster. This talk focuses on the accompanying particle tracking simulations which are essential for the analysis and interpretation of measurement data.
This project is supported by BMBF under contract number 05A20PMA.