T 25: Data Analysis, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:15–18:25, T-H38
16:15 |
T 25.1 |
Group Report:
CROWN - A Software framework for fast analysis ntuple production — •Sebastian Brommer, Markus Klute, Nikita Shadskiy, Guenter Quast, Roger Wolf, and Sebastian Wozniewski
16:35 |
T 25.2 |
Group Report:
Verringerung systematischer Unsicherheiten durch systematics-aware training — Markus Klute, Günter Quast, •Lars Sowa, Roger Wolf und Stefan Wunsch
16:55 |
T 25.3 |
Understanding Event-Generation Networks via Uncertainties — Marco Bellagente, Manuel Haußmann, •Michel Luchmann, and Michel Luchmann
17:10 |
T 25.4 |
Evaluating Uncertainties in Measurements of the Production of a Single Top-Quark in Association with a Photon with Bayesian Neural Networks — Johannes Erdmann, Burim Ramosaj, and •Daniel Wall
17:25 |
T 25.5 |
Non-parametric background models for axion haloscopes — •Johannes Diehl, Jakob Knollmüller, and Oliver Schulz
17:40 |
T 25.6 |
Open Science in KM3NeT — •Jutta Schnabel for the ANTARES-KM3NET-ERLANGEN collaboration
17:55 |
T 25.7 |
Columnar data analysis with ATLAS analysis formats — •Nikolai Hartmann
18:10 |
T 25.8 |
Information visualization platform for data quality monitoring of CMS tracker — •Abhit Patil