T 2: QCD (Theorie) 1
Monday, March 21, 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H15
16:15 |
T 2.1 |
Soft photon bremsstrahlung at Next-to-Leading Power — •Domenico Bonocore and Anna Kulesza
16:30 |
T 2.2 |
Leading-Color Two-Loop Amplitudes for Four Partons and a W-Boson in QCD — Samuel Abreu, Fernando Febres Cordero, Harald Ita, •Maximilian Klinkert, Benjamin Page, and Vasily Sotnikov
16:45 |
T 2.3 |
Fast simulations with NNLO QCD accuracy — •Lucas Kunz
17:00 |
T 2.4 |
MiNNLOPS for dibosons: matching NNLO QCD with parton showers — •Daniele Lombardi, Marius Wiesemann, Giulia Zanderighi, Gabriël Koole, Luca Buonocore, and Luca Rottoli
17:15 |
T 2.5 |
Automating the calculation of jet functions and beam functions in SCET — Guido Bell, •Kevin Brune, Goutam Das, and Marcel Wald
17:30 |
T 2.6 |
Invertible Networks for the Matrix Element Method — Anja Butter, •Theo Heimel, Till Martini, Sascha Peitzsch, and Tilman Plehn
17:45 |
T 2.7 |
Targeting Multi-Loop Integrals with Neural Networks — •Ramon Winterhalder, Vitaly Magerya, Emilio Villa, Stephen P. Jones, Matthias Kerner, Anja Butter, Gudrun Heinrich, and Tilman Plehn
18:00 |
T 2.8 |
Generative Networks for Precision Enthusiasts — Anja Butter, Theo Heimel, Sander Hummerich, Tobias Krebs, Tilman Plehn, Armand Rousselot, and •Sophia Vent
18:15 |
T 2.9 |
The contribution has been moved to HK 66.6.