T 30: Flavour Physics 3
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H15
16:15 |
T 30.1 |
Time-Dependent Charge-Parity Violation at Belle II — •Caspar Schmitt
16:30 |
T 30.2 |
Inclusive analysis of untagged B → X l+ l− decays at Belle II — •Sviatoslav Bilokin and Thomas Kuhr
16:45 |
T 30.3 |
Belle II results on charmless hadronic B-decays and prospects — •Justin Skorupa, Thibaud Humair, Hans-Günther Moser, Markus Reif, and Benedikt Wach
17:00 |
T 30.4 |
Search for the lepton flavour violating decay B0 → τ± ℓ∓ — •Nathalie Eberlein, Thomas Lück, and Thomas Kuhr
17:15 |
T 30.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:30 |
T 30.6 |
Analysis of B→ µ ν with inclusive tagging at Belle II — Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, •Daniel Jacobi, Peter Lewis, and Markus Prim for the Belle II collaboration
17:45 |
T 30.7 |
First Results and Prospects for τ → ℓ + α (invisible) at Belle II — •Thomas Kraetzschmar for the Belle II collaboration
18:00 |
T 30.8 |
Tau lifetime measurement at Belle II — •Anselm Baur and Daniel Pitzl
18:15 |
T 30.9 |
Optimization of the KL0 detection and rejection at Belle II — Florian Bernlochner, Jochen Dingfelder, Peter Lewis, and •Lucas Stötzer for the Belle II collaboration