T 31: Beyond the Standard Model (Theory) 1
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 16:15–18:30, T-H16
16:15 |
T 31.1 |
Constructing Effective Field Theories to Higher Mass Dimensions — Robert V. Harlander, Tim Kempkens, Jakob W. Linder, and •Magnus C. Schaaf
16:30 |
T 31.2 |
Catching Heavy Vector Triplets with the SMEFT: from one-loop matching to phenomenology — •Emma Geoffray, Ilaria Brivio, Sebastian Bruggisser, Wolfgang Kilian, Michael Krämer, Michel Luchmann, Tilman Plehn, and Benjamin Summ
16:45 |
T 31.3 |
Precision predictions for scalar leptoquark pair production at the LHC — •Christoph Borschensky, Benjamin Fuks, Adil Jueid, Anna Kulesza, and Daniel Schwartländer
17:00 |
T 31.4 |
Constraining BSM models using high precision observables — •Marten Berger, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick, Georg Weiglein, and Sven Heinemeyer
17:15 |
T 31.5 |
Bachelor thesis: Vacuum stability constraints in the NMSSM — •Fabio Campello, Georg Weiglein, and Thomas Biekötter
17:30 |
T 31.6 |
SU(6) Gauge Higgs Unification — •Andreas Bally, Andrei Angelescu, Florian Goertz, and Simone Blasi
17:45 |
T 31.7 |
Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Inert Doublet Model — •Sven Fabian, Florian Goertz, and María Isabel Dias Astros
18:00 |
T 31.8 |
Higher-Dimensional Operators in the Inert Doublet Model: Dark Matter and CP Violation — •María Isabel Dias Astros, Florian Goertz, and Sven Fabian
18:15 |
T 31.9 |
A Particle Model Yielding a Bunch of Solutions by Classical Means — •Albrecht Giese