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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 31: Beyond the Standard Model (Theory) 1
T 31.5: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 17:15–17:30, T-H16
Bachelor thesis: Vacuum stability constraints in the NMSSM — •Fabio Campello1, Georg Weiglein2, and Thomas Biekötter2 — 1Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland — 2DESY, Hamburg, Germany
In supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model the electroweak (EW) vacuum is not generally the global minimum of the scalar potential, and tunneling to deeper minima is possible. Since the lifetime of the EW vacuum must be at least of the order of the age of the universe, constraints on the parameter space can be obtained from an analysis of vacuum stability. In this talk the vacuum structure of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric extension of the SM (NMSSM) is investigated, where the scalar potential receives contributions from an extended Higgs sector and from superpartners of the SM fermions. The results are discussed in comparison to the case of the minimal supersymmetric extension (MSSM).