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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 31: Beyond the Standard Model (Theory) 1
T 31.9: Vortrag
Dienstag, 22. März 2022, 18:15–18:30, T-H16
A Particle Model Yielding a Bunch of Solutions by Classical Means — •Albrecht Giese — Taxusweg 15, 22605 Hamburg
We will present a particle model which is different from present physics but yields important insights compared to the present state; mainly by explaining known features classically rather than via QM.
Its basic structure is that every fermion is built by two sub-objects which are massless and orbit each other at the speed of light. The inertial mass of the whole particle is caused by the particle's extension causing inertia. The fairly simple formula for mass does not have adaptable parameters, and even then it yields the mass of e.g. the electron with a deviation of <10^-5 from measurement.
The model assumes the strong force in a multipole configuration for the bind of the constituents and with other particles. So their mutual bind depends on the conformity of the particle's sizes. This explains why e.g. leptons and quarks do not interact noticeably by the strong force; as well as different types of quarks (QM says: Color charge).
This model further allows classically the quantitative deduction of particle properties like the magnetic moment, the Bohr magneton, the energy-frequency relation, the fine structure constant 'alpha', the constancy of spin, and also the Pauli principle. And it provides fundamental causes of relativity (SRT and GRT). The model is in no conflict with experimental results as a configuration like this has never been tested.
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